
旧游成梦寐 2024-07-06 15:48:01


We are currently in an era of unprecedented information explosion, with a large amount of information, but our brain capacity, time, and energy are limited.


If too much information is accepted without screening, the presence of too much junk information can disrupt inner order and disrupt mental thoughts, consuming energy but not bringing growth.


In the Book of Changes, it is said in the "Ci Xia" that "poverty leads to change, change leads to communication, and communication leads to longevity."


Learning to subtract is a way to adapt to information problems.


Abandoning useless information, focusing on the most precious future, and dedicating the most precious time and energy to it.


The more complex the situation is with information, the more we need to maintain a clear mindset, know what we want, where we are heading, what content may guide you, and which information is just a seasoning of life.


Filtering information is like panning for gold, it cannot be accepted completely. Only by removing impurities can true treasures be discovered.


Life does not require an encyclopedia, it only requires a key to unraveling the mysteries of daily life.

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