
三月流焱 2022-10-30 18:53:30

你正在为自己的未来打拼,也许有时候会感觉看不到尽头,但你要相信渡过了这一段努力,你想要的岁月统统都会还给你,任何值得去的地方都没有捷径。You are struggling for your future, and sometimes you may feel like there is no end, but you have to believe that after this effort, all the years you want will be returned to you, and there is no shortcut to anything worth going.

生活的自由,不仅仅是要追求物质的丰盈,还应包括,慢慢变好,拥有更多选择权的自己。The freedom of life is not only the pursuit of material abundance, but also the freedom of slowly getting better and having more choice.即使不为了什么远大理想,为了好好生活,你也得努力奋斗,不然别说什么风花雪月了,柴米油盐也能让你一筹莫展。Even if not for what lofty ideals, in order to live a good life, you also have to work hard, otherwise don't say what romantic, daily necessities can also let you be at a loss.

过度理性让生活丧失美感,过份感性是在慢性地杀死自己,看的越透活的越累,一尺多宽的小肩膀又能扛住多少事,嘈杂的世界里,我们随性就好。Excessive rationality makes life lose beauty, excessive sensibility is in the chronic kill themselves, see more thoroughly live more tired, more than a foot wide small shoulder can carry how many things, noisy world, we are good.

人的一生,岂能尽如人意,但求无愧于心,人生苦短,好不好都不必遗憾,乐不乐都不要失望,过得好是精彩过得不好是经历。People's life, how can be satisfactory, but worthy of the heart, life is short, good or not do not regret, happy or not happy do not be disappointed, live a good is not good is not good experience.

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