
中书国画 2024-08-19 15:47:02










Chen Xiangxun: With a Heart Embracing Infinite Possibilities, Seeking Meaning Through Unique Brushstrokes

Chen Xiangxun, born in the year of Bing Shen in Jiangnan, Hangzhou, is skilled in landscapes and floral painting, earning him renown in the middle-aged and young ink painting circles. He embraces both modern innovation and traditional methods, progressing steadily while maintaining a spirit of exploration. His works prioritize form over sentiment, yet never lose their symbolic intent. His rationality often surpasses emotion, though his intuition remains keen. The path of ink painting requires both courage and wisdom; those who master both form and spirit are most likely to achieve greatness.

Observing his works, one finds dense shadows of trees, varied brushstrokes, and exaggerated forms, all capturing the essence of Jiangnan's lush forests through the subtle art of texture strokes. Chen himself says that in painting trees, he seeks to convey the vibrant spirit and abundant life of Jiangnan. His creative passion, much like the trees he paints, is natural and expansive. With a serious attitude and confident demeanor, he stands amid the landscapes of Jiangnan, pioneering endless possibilities in ink painting. His journey is far-reaching, with ever-expanding artistic horizons, moving forward without pause.

Chen Xiangxun's works bear the mark of Zhejiang's traditional Chinese painting, valuing form and brushwork, and upholding the literati painting tradition. However, he departs from the New Zhejiang School's strict adherence to realism, embracing transformation and expression instead. While he retains the charm of his predecessors, he abandons rigid formulas. Aware of the difficulty in surpassing ancient masters in brushwork, he adopts a strategy of deconstructing, isolating, and intensifying certain elements, integrating them into his own new structures.

Since the year of Jiazi, Chen Xiangxun's works have undergone several changes, each being a result of exploration and self-reflection. These transformations are not mere imitations of trends but are products of deep contemplation and rigorous experimentation. Each creation is a concentrated effort, not a spontaneous act, but rather a work shaped by years of thought. In the year of Jisi, Chen created the "Text and Painting Series," integrating text with landscapes, rubbing effects with brushstrokes. Although previous artists had attempted to incorporate text into paintings, Chen does not emphasize the literal meaning of the words, nor does he admire them as separate compositions. Instead, he treats text as texture, blending it seamlessly with the landscapes, where ancient characters merge with misty mountains, evoking a profound sense of antiquity.

Chen Xiangxun understands that the essence of freehand brushwork lies in the spirit of the painting, embodying the core of Chinese art. Zhuangzi speaks of the value of intention in words, Wang Wei emphasizes "intention before brushwork," and Guo Xi critiques "seeing the grand idea in painting," all highlighting the importance of capturing the spirit in landscapes to convey their true energy. Freehand brushwork is the overarching principle of Chinese painting, founded on both content and form. The development of a painting hinges on the character of freehand brushwork, its credibility rooted in history. Han Yu advocated "learning the essence," guiding both tradition and innovation. Mastery of freehand brushwork requires broadening intention and refining execution, endowing the work with profound character. The language of brushwork, deeply inspired byical works, holds the essence of figure, landscape, and bird-and-flower paintings. The pursuit of freehand brushwork arises from the intention to depict objects, where elements like plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum, as well as techniques like "carving on sand," "roof leak marks," and "broken fork stroke" are all vital to the art of freehand painting.

Chen Xiangxun believes that in the evaluation of painting, brushwork should be unique, with freehand brushwork and brush techniques interdependent. Freehand brushwork must harmonize with brushwork, ensuring that the content and form are aligned. In contemporary painting, freehand brushwork is paramount, with brushwork being essential. Emphasizing brushwork is a respected principle in painting, clarifying the logic of art, distinguishing between different levels of character, scale, taste, and depth of appreciation. The goal is to move from "writing form" to "writing the heart." Freehand brushwork is a means, character is the direction, and the ultimate goal is to reach the realm of "heart painting." The creation of freehand brushwork character is crucial to the work.

The "writing" in freehand brushwork, for Chen Xiangxun, is an enjoyment of brush and ink, where the heart and hand mutually observe. It involves an inner contemplation of "seeing the large in the small" and an outer observation of "perceiving the overall force," forming an independent aesthetic. When heart and traces merge, meaning arises. The intention may be simple or abundant, but brushwork and ink ideas always express the artist's inner feelings, with form as their vehicle. Form serves as the medium between writing and meaning; in the painting, form does not mimic nature, nor do the objects depicted equate to their real counterparts. Ouyang Xiu said, "Paint the meaning, not the form," indicating that writing form conveys intention, and intention embodies spirit. The spirit requires creativity, which is the essence of painting, particularly emphasizing the brushwork that conveys both form and meaning. Without brushwork, there is no intention; without form, there is no brushwork. Freehand brushwork is the distillation of form and the summarization of brushwork, where the adjustment and selection of imagery naturally lead to an unspoken pursuit.

Chen Xiangxun deeply understands that writing form determines meaning, and brushwork shapes character, with form and ink interdependent, seeking the unity of form and spirit. The path of freehand brushwork lies in subjective effort, with each stroke and ink drop formed through inner reflection, where form and meaning merge, and heart speaks through the brush. Thus, "meaning" can be broadly discussed as character, or finely as brushwork. The evaluation of meaning involves outward interaction, with writing and meaning supporting each other. From "intention before brushwork" to "painting exhausts intention," as Du Fu said, "The artist painstakingly crafts," this effort is prepared for character. Freehand brushwork evolves from mind to character, where the determination of character ultimately leads to the realm. The realm is the pinnacle of freehand brushwork, where meaning resides in art, the realm embraces culture, and the spirit ascends, driven by ideals. Chen believes that the realm is created by the heart; the material is illusory, the heart real, with the realm's difference rooted in the heart. Only through character's perspective can the realm inspire reverence. Ni Yunlin's landscapes, with their faint melancholy, transform into brushstrokes of deep meaning, the realm serene and elegant. Freehand brushwork seeks the realm, the realm exists in the heart, and heart intention defines character. As Pan Tianshou said, "Each step is a new heaven." Even within a small space, a lifetime's effort is required to seek it, making this the ultimate aspiration of freehand brushwork's character.


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