Tell your husband not to be a cheapskate.告诉你的丈夫不要做守财奴。
Are you saying he's a cheapskate?你是说他是个吝啬鬼?
He's known as a cheapskate.他是有名的“小气鬼”。
She's the quintessential cheapskate.她好像是个不折不扣的小气鬼。
Are you a cheapskate? 你是小气鬼吗?
It's boring to go out to dinner with a cheapskate.和小气鬼一起出门吃饭真没意思。
Do you or someone you know go beyond being a cheapskate? 你或者你知道的某个人是不是已经节俭到成为一个吝啬鬼了呢?

2.penny pincher“吝啬鬼”,指一个花钱很少的人;一个非常节俭或小心谨慎地花钱的人。比如:
My boss is a penny pincher who never wants to spend money on anything.我的老板是一个吝啬鬼,从不愿意在任何事情上花钱。
She's such a penny pincher/tightwad.她真是个守财奴/小气鬼。
He spent so little money that he began to get the name of a penny pincher.他用钱太少以致开始获得吝啬鬼的恶名。
Tony is a penny-pincher, because he gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back.托尼是个吝啬鬼,自己挣很多钱还和朋友借,而且从来都不还。

I'm married to a miser.我嫁了个守财奴。
The miser in the story is really wealthy, but he is extremely poor in moral sense.这个故事中的吝啬鬼在物质上非常富有,但他在道德上却极其贫穷。
He is really a miser.他可真抠。
They say [It is said that] he's a miser.据说他是一个小气鬼。
A generous miser is a contradiction in terms.“慷慨的吝啬鬼”是一种语词矛盾的说法。
The miser gloated over his gold.守财奴贪婪地看着他的金子。

That father is a first-rate scrooge! 这个父亲就是头等吝啬鬼。He's a real scrooge.他是个不折不扣的守财奴。What a bunch of Scrooges.真是一群吝啬鬼。
A skinflint worships money.吝啬鬼崇拜金钱。
Her boss is a skinflint.她老板是个一毛不拔的人。

TRADITIONALLY, Britain has been an educational skinflint.英国通常在教育方面十分吝啬。
It's impossible to borrow some money from him. He is a real skinflint.向他借钱是不可能的,他确实是个吝啬鬼。