北京时间4月19日凌晨,名嘴Stephen A Smith在节目《First take》谈到掘金和湖人的二番战,他说道:“如果湖人能够击败卫冕冠军掘金,他们就能赢下一切,包括最后的总冠军。我之前在所有的场合都坚持说乔丹就是GOAT,没有任何人能对此有任何意见,但如果勒布朗拿下了这个冠军,我真的不能确定,我坚持乔丹是GOAT的意见是否会动摇……”,引来热议,一起来看看球迷如何评论!
Absolutely! Each era has its own GOAT. Jordan ruled his time, and LeBron is certainly making a strong case in his. Let's enjoy the greatness we're witnessing.
绝对是!每个时代都有自己的 "GOAT"。乔丹统治了他的时代,而勒布朗在他的时代无疑也是强者,让我们尽情享受我们正在见证的伟大吧。
If you are basing it on Championships, Bill Russell. If you are basing it on largest impact of the game and nba it’s Larry Bird and Magic Johnson. Jordan is elite but not the impact of the fore mentioned!
Even if it happens, it doesn’t matter. He could win the next three straight.. he’s not as good as Jordan. He’s not the individual player MJ was. He’ll just have accomplished more in more time..
Jordan 6-0. No game 7's in his finals.
We do this every year, man. Look for new perimeters to use in discrediting LeBron. And even if he ultimately does this, you lot will find something else to use.
That won’t be happening so no worries
That goal post just gonna keep moving man lol. I'm sure if he also cured Cancer and defeated Russia it would get in him in the conversation lol
Same old tired talking points trying to push the Lebron narrative. Give it a rest already. Both were great in their respective times
Can’t watch any sports talk show or listen to it on the radio as it’s so much Bullshit… making up crap just to get views …
Jordan accomplished more in less time, his peak is higher but LeBrons longevity of course has surpassed Jordan. The greatest peak of dominance seen on the court is MJ, backed by factual stats and accolades!
Even if they're lucky enough to get past the Nuggets that doesn't guarantee they beat the Mavs or Wolves or Suns, etc. Lakers are inconsistent and poorly execute against good teams in crunch time.
Why do people waste so much energy and brain power comparing these two? It’s an interesting debate sure but it’s so pointless to argue about hypothetical scenarios
This is a fair point, if he can win one more, that would solidify his goat status
Really solid take from S.A, plenty of people will argue 6>5, but in this hypothetical, a Yr 21 LeBron makes it out of one of hardest Western Conferences in history, past the defending Champs and MVP to another ‘chip with one of his weakest supporting casts ever (bar AD & D-Lo)
史密斯的观点很有道理,很多人会认为6>5,但在这个假设中,生涯第21赛季的勒布朗从历史上最难的西部联盟之一中脱颖而出,超越卫冕冠军和MVP,夺得另一个 "总冠军",而他的支持阵容是有史以来最弱的之一(除了浓眉和水拉)。
Don't worry Stephen A, they won't beat the Nuggets. Just hope they don't get the sweep.
The only way he gets that title of being a goat you got to have more championships than Michael Jordan it's that simple
他获得 "GOAT "称号的唯一途径就是获得比迈克尔-乔丹更多的总冠军,就这么简单。
So if beating Denver is such a difficult task that it would put him over MJ, he should get 0 blame are criticism when they don't. Right?
If Lebron is the GOAT why is Everyone saying the Lakers have No chance of beating Denver?
Shaq said a BUNCH of times that if Lebron beat Kareem's record, along with the assists and rebounds, he would be easily the undisputed GOAT. Then, it happened and he just changed his mind on it, and continued with MJ's mythaton.
奥尼尔曾多次表示,如果詹姆斯打破贾巴尔的纪录,再加上助攻和篮板,他将轻松成为无可争议的 "GOAT"。然后,事情发生了,他改变了主意,继续追随乔丹的神话。
If he gets another ring that puts him in line with Kobe. Not Jordan. Jordan has 6 rings. Bron may be lucky to get 5
如果他能再拿一枚戒指,那他将与科比齐名。而不是乔丹。乔丹有 6 枚戒指。詹姆斯能拿到5个就不错了。