
富甲北京 2024-11-11 11:30:44



The St. Pete Pier is an investment in equitable open space and environmental resiliency, and a catalyst for economic development. The project replaces an aging pier with a dynamic public landscape that integrates infrastructure to energize the city’s downtown revitalization. It anchors a larger district development strategy with a multi-use approach to design, architecture, landscape architecture, programming, multi-modal access, resiliency planning and engineering. The new pier is a model for designing urban infrastructure with social, economic and environmental goals. Just as importantly, it creates a satisfying destination with engaging landscape and architectural spaces, natural beauty, and active public programming.

▲鸟瞰:码头创造了一个全新的城市目的地,它既是滨水区的标志,也是市中心活力的组成部分,Bird’s Eye View: The Pier creates a destination that embraces its role both as an icon for the waterfront and an integral part of the vitality of the downtown district© Rich Montalbano / RiMO







▲场地平面图/城市背景:圣彼得码头是城市身份和形象不可或缺的一部分。它是为弹性、公平、教育和快乐而设计的重要城市基础设施,Site Plan / Urban Context: St. Pete Pier is integral to the identity and image of the city. It is urban infrastructure, designed for resiliency, equity, education, and delight© Ken Smith Workshop

▲重建前后的场地:旧码头以车辆为导向,而新码头则以行人为导向,具有多种用途、充满特色和景观节点,Site, Before and After Redevelopment: The old pier was vehicular oriented, while the new pier is pedestrianized with multiple uses, features and attractions© Google Earth

▲鸟瞰:码头占地12英亩,全长1380英尺,是一个以当地人们的福祉和丰富活动为基础的活动中心,Bird’s Eye View: The 12-acre Pier is an armature of local and destination-based programming. It is a hub for activity all along its 1,380-foot length© Rich Montalbano / RiMO

▲鸟瞰:码头是一个包容性的公共空间,为游客和当地人提供了丰富的小型灵活项目和体验,Bird’s Eye View: The Pier is an inclusive public space, it is a platform for multiple small and flexible programs and experiences for both tourists and the locals© Rich Montalbano / RiMO

▲海岸灌木丛/海滩台阶景观:宽敞的台阶将码头与天然沙滩与大海连接起来,Coastal Thicket / Beach Steps View: Generous steps connect the pier to Spa Beach with its natural sand and access to the water© Barrett Doherty

▲码头广场景观:宽敞的中央广场以互动水景、倾斜草坪、文化树林和沿海灌木丛为特色,Pier Plaza View: A generous central plaza features an interactive water feature, a tilted lawn, cultural grove, and coastal thicket© Rich Montalbano / RiMO

▲喷水装置/市民喷泉:场地中心的喷泉也是儿童喜爱的游乐场所,Water Spray / Civic Fountain: The water spray feature is both a child’s play area and a civic fountain at the center of the site© Barrett Doherty

▲倾斜的草坪景观:向上倾斜的建筑结构表面被郁郁葱葱的草地覆盖,形成了望向码头和海湾的观景平台,同时也是码头最受欢迎的目的地之一,Tilted Lawn View: A popular destination, the turf-grass planted structure slants upward, forming a viewing platform for the pierhead and bay beyond© Rich Montalbano / RiMO

▲倾斜草坪和广场景观:倾斜的观景平台为人们带来了与地面视角完全不同的体验,Tilted Lawn and Plaza View: The tilted form transforms a fundamentally horizontal experience© Barrett Doherty

▲水上中心:水上中心为人们提供了与沿海高地和敏感的海洋栖息地的近距离体验,设有教室实验室和亲水露台,Aquatic Center: The aquatic center offers a close-up experience of critical coastal upland and sensitive marine habitats withroom lab and a terraced “get down”© Rich Montalbano / RiMO

▲海岸灌木丛:游客们被邀请沿着符合ADA标准的木板路漫步到码头尽头,在茂盛植被的阴凉之下欣赏海岸线的美,Coastal Thicket: Visitors are invited to stroll to the Pier head down an ADA-compliant boardwalk under a shady canopy of native coastal vegetation.© Rich Montalbano / RiMO

▲海岸灌木丛:木板路提供了沉浸式的沿海原生景观体验,让人们进一步领略到了独特的自然美景和生态意义,Coastal Thicket: Boardwalks provide an immersive experience into coastal native landscape providing a unique experience of natural beauty and ecological significance© Barrett Doherty

▲海岸灌木丛:海岸灌木丛是对佛罗里达中部海岸原生环境的诠释,包括沙丘、红树林沼泽、盐沼和河口,Coastal Thicket: The Coastal Thicket is an interpretation of Central Florida’s coastal native environment of dunes, mangrove swamps, salt marshes and estuaries© Rich Montalbano / RiMO

▲从码头尽头看:沿着整个码头的长度,本地植物创造出了景观的连续性、遮荫空间,和环境连通性,View From Pier Head: Native plantings provide spaces of landscape continuity, shade, and environmental connectivity along the entire length of the pier© Rich Montalbano / RiMO

▲温泉海滩:由原生石灰石制成的新防波堤/礁石结构,抑制了海浪对海岸线的侵蚀,促成了自然沙滩的形成,Spa Beach: A new breakwater/reef structure of native lime rock dampens the erosional effects of on-shore wave action allowing natural formation of a sand beach© Rich Montalbano / RiMO

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