《吹牛的妙用》是闽籍女作家庐隐(1898-1934)的后期作品,选自她的《东京小品》(散文、短篇小说、杂文合集,1935 年版)。庐隐的杂文短小精悍、直爽坦率、笔锋锐利。吹牛往往是为了兜售“伪劣”。作者在半个多世纪以前以揶揄的口气所鞭挞的社会痼疾,今仍随处可见,知识界也不例外。

Boasting is a kind of megalomania. Though moralists may call it a human failing, it does, however, serve extremely useful purposes in social intercourse. Without the capability for boasting, you will be looked down upon by even a rick-shaw puller, to say nothing of finding a good job.

Because of their earnest and down-to-earth approach to work, westerners are, in the eyes of Chinese smarties, next door to idiotic. They are being laughed at by Chinese smarties for the tremendous amount of energy they put into their activities. While westerners go about whatever work they do methodically and patiently, never dreaming of reaching great heights in one step, we Chinese are always given to seeking a shortcut and regard the ability to boast as the master key to it.

Boasting is an essential art of life just as hyperbole is an indispensable rhetorical figure. The Tang poet Li Bai’s famous lines “The Yellow River comes from the sky” and “My white hair of thirty thousand feet” are examples of hyperbole , which, to those who know little about the art of rhetoric , may sound like a gross exaggeration on the part of the poet.