
中书国画 2024-06-25 16:02:42



Guo Gongda, born in 1931, hailing from Xiao County, Anhui. In 1961, he graduated from the Chinese Painting Department of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts.

Chinese art has always valued deep contemplation, intuitive understanding of nature, unity of self and the environment, and observing the Dao with a clear mind. In Guo Gongda's landscape paintings, the changing light of dawn and dusk, deep mountains and rocks, drooping willows and boats, riverside homes, and the small figures with their backs turned, all resemble fleeting visitors in the vastness of nature, a momentary glimpse. This reflects Laozi's saying, "The Dao that can be spoken of is not the eternal Dao," with its interplay of reality and illusion, blurred yet profound. His paintings naturally reveal a philosophical depth, leading viewers to explore a mysterious world and ponder the relationship between life, nature, and the cosmos.



The mountains and rivers of Anhui have long been cherished by painters, with their misty clouds nurturing and the land itself brimming with natural beauty, which nourished Guo Gongda's love for landscapes. From a young age, he was passionate about painting and has spent decades deeply cultivating the field of calligraphy and painting. His works extend beyond the landscapes of Anhui, traversing both the north and south. His pieces, such as "Journey to the Tianshan" and "Scenery of Turpan," showcase the majestic northern landscapes, while "Miao Village in Southern Guizhou" captures the charm of the southwest.Guo Gongda captures the essence of various peaks, reorganizing and blending natural elements. He assimilates traditional essence with his own insights. His mind is his guide, his heart is his creation; his spirit remains unbound, creating serene and peaceful realms that invite prolonged observation and lingering.

As it is said, "Contemplating morning and evening, the longer one immerses, the more the mind clears. When the mind is clear, desires fade, and wisdom arises." Viewing his paintings can bring tranquility to the heart and provoke deep thought.



Guo Gongda's paintings are prized for their naturalness. He does not cater to the viewer but expresses his inner spirit and vision. The variations of ink and wash, the interplay of black and white, are solemn and transcendent, free from noise and the traces of human life, evoking the sense of "long trapped in a cage, I return to nature." Some works are aloof and cold, almost unreachable, like "sparsely populated villages"; others are warm and inviting with a touch of color, such as "Miao Village in Southern Guizhou" and "Autumn Colors of Qiyun."

His works bear no marks of deliberate composition, but are spontaneous and natural. His concept of "nature" is "what is readily found, not borrowed from others. Wherever the Dao leads, it brings forth spring. Like encountering blooming flowers, witnessing the renewal of the year. Truth is not stolen, forced gains are easily lost. The recluse in the empty mountains, after rain, gathers water plants. Simple words lead to understanding, the balance of heaven endures." Between likeness and unlikeness, his works reflect the unity of man and nature, striving for harmony.




Guo Gongda's works are valued for their vivid spirit, a crucial criterion in judging Chinese paintings. His art goes beyond mere technique in shape, skill, composition, texture, ink, and color, placing greater emphasis on the artist's cultivation and character. Nowadays, many read little and are driven by fame and fortune, resulting in paintings that lack depth and fail to invite further exploration, thus not enduring as objects of aesthetic enjoyment for future generations.

The "History of Southern Qi" states: "Literature is the elegance of emotions and the harmony of the mind. Conceive thoughts, wield the brush, let the mind wander and the words flow naturally, with spirit and rhythm." Paintings are valued for their spirit and rhythm. The spirit gives life; the rhythm conveys emotion. Only with complete spirit and rhythm can a work have unique charm and soul. Without these, a painting may have form but lack essence, and thus be inferior.

An artist's experiences, reading, thinking, and insights are the sources of a painting's spirit. Guo Gongda excels in this regard. His works are serene but not silent, as if softly whispering. Silent forests grow, houses seem like reclusive abodes, rivers gently flow, willows sway in the wind—all possess restrained strength, as gentle as water wearing away stone, more powerful for not being explosive.



Guo Gongda excels in the subtleties of distance, reality, black and white, and yin and yang. Hills and streams, lush forests, towering peaks, and swirling clouds, along with autumn forests, cottages, flowing springs, waterfalls, and floating mists, are all arranged with varying heights and densities, warm and cool tones, and complementary subjects. The interplay of reality and illusion creates a layered structure. Colors are sparse, adorned without being gaudy, and the varying shades and textures of ink capture the essence of all things. His strokes follow the flow of his intent, with a natural rhythm that is calm yet powerful, devoid of sweetness and vulgarity, embracing simplicity and returning to the essence.

A painting is like a silent poem, and Guo Gongda's poetic nature is elusive, created effortlessly and without contrivance. As Daoists say, "The Dao is both vague and indistinct. Within the indistinct, there is an image. Within the vague, there is substance. Within the dark and mysterious, there is essence." His landscapes embody the philosophy of life; art is not void but filled with spirit, real and believable, carrying the artist's pursuit. Guo Gongda, indifferent to fame and fortune, is dedicated to his craft, constantly refining. "Seeing mountains as mountains, seeing mountains not as mountains, and seeing mountains still as mountains." Through the passage of time, his works become increasingly simple, serene, and unified.


Art has no pinnacle; the artist must retain childlike innocence and passion throughout life, maintaining love and rich emotions to infuse their creations with vitality and vigor. Guo Gongda's works are imbued with his own essence and soul. His paintings, through the passage of time, can be read, dwelt upon, and explored. They calm the troubled heart and inspire the wise to contemplate, allowing for endless pursuit and discovery.


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