
旧游成梦寐 2024-07-06 15:48:05


Our teachers and the elders who study traditional Chinese medicine have given you very simple wisdom: energy is constantly rotating and conserved. There is no need for wise elders to teach you anything when you are with them. Seeing their expressions, you can learn a lot.


If you want to have money, be with the wealthiest person; If you want fashion, be with the most fashionable people; If you want to live longer, spend more time with your elders; If you want to have wisdom, be with wise people.


The wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine lies in the essence, qi, and spirit. Essence is material, qi is energy, and spirit is information and consciousness.


In life, we often see some "good people" suffering from serious illnesses. Why is this? Because he is only striving to be a good person, although his actions are good, his heart is not good, and his consciousness is not good. The inner turmoil actually caused his illness.


After you have the wisdom to understand this truth, you have to admit yourself that if I cannot become a good person, I would rather be a real, not bad person. This is the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine.

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