
三月流焱 2022-12-04 13:07:19

我没变,只是心情变了,我还是我,只是面对现实,多了点无奈,多了点沉默,所有的事情都抵不过时间,让人成熟的不是年龄,而是经历!I haven't changed, but my mood has changed. I'm still me, just facing the reality, more helplessness, more silence, all things can't make time. What makes people mature is not age, but experience!最酷的人生从来都不是一帆风顺,而是穿越惊涛骇浪之后灿烂的说:“很难,但是我们过来了”!The coolest life is never a smooth sailing, but a brilliant way to say: "It's hard, but we've come" after crossing the rough seas!

年龄已经摆在这了,该不该经历的都已经经历了,往后的日子里努力赚钱,人生无非两种结果,“见笑了”“见效了”只要身体健健康康的,平平安安的就好!The age has already been put here, and what should or should not be experienced has already been experienced. In the days to come, trying to make money, life is nothing but two kinds of results. "Funny" and "effective" As long as the body is healthy and healthy, it is good to be safe!生活是没有捷径的,它考验的是你的恒心与耐力,只要你多坚持一下,多忍耐一会,不悲叹过去,不荒废现在,不惧怕未来,一切就会在你的掌握之中。There is no shortcut in life. It tests your perseverance and endurance. As long as you stick to it more, endure more for a while, don't lament the past, don't waste the present, and don't fear the future, everything will be under your control.

慢慢来吧,等我熬过了这股劲,我也会放下的,我又不是输不起,只是有点心疼自己傻傻的付出,就算结局不如我意,我也会为我当初明知不可为而为之买单。Take your time. When I get through this, I will let it go. I can't afford to lose. I just feel a little sorry for my silly efforts. Even if the outcome is not as good as I want, I will pay for it when I knew I could not.愿你能在人海茫茫中,和喜欢的人撞个满怀。愿你能在昼夜往复里,与美好渴望不期而遇。I hope you can bump into the person you like in the vast crowd. I hope you can meet the beautiful desire in the day and night.

成年人相处和睦,最重要的一点是:不要拿自己的生活方式去要求别人。The most important thing for adults to get along well is not to demand others with their own lifestyle.余生很贵,少为不必要的事情烦恼,多为内心的幸福感而努力。愿你能够善待自己,不求事事圆满,只愿此生尽兴!The rest of your life is very expensive. You should not worry about unnecessary things, but work hard for your inner happiness. I hope you can treat yourself well. I don't want everything to be perfect. I just want to have fun in this life!

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