
小双留学 2024-03-02 03:02:06
Can you please introduce yourself? 可以先请您介绍一下自己吗? Greetings from Queen’s University Belfast, in Northern Ireland. My name is Gordon Brown I am the Head of Global Student Recruitment, here at Queen’s, and I am delighted to send you this message on behalf of our University as you celebrate your 25th Anniversary. I want to recognise this milestone as a significant achievement for Golden Arrow as you have successfully grown an organisation which has a global reputation for professionalism and know for the level of support you provide for applicants as they consider their future education. 我在北爱尔兰的英国女王大学向大家问好。 我是戈登·布朗,是贝尔法斯特女王大学全球学生招聘部的负责人,很高兴在你们庆祝25周年之际,代表学校向你们表示祝贺。 我很高兴在你们庆祝成立 25 周年之际,代表我校向你们致以诚挚的问候。我认为这是金矢集团的一个里程碑式的重大成就,因为你们成功地发展成为一个在全球享有专业声誉的组织,并为申请者在考虑未来教育时提供了众所周知的高水平支持。 Can you tell us more about your university? 能详细介绍一下您所在的大学吗? For those you are not aware, Queen’s University Belfast is located in Northern Ireland, within the UK. We continue to strive to have world research and provide the highest quality of teaching to our students from across the world. We now have 5 subject areas in the QS Top 100 and 15 subject areas in the QS Top 200. Our University is also ranked in the Top 200 in the World in the latest Times Higher Education rankings. 对那些不熟悉我们大学的人,女王大学位于英国北爱尔兰。 我们将一如既往的努力开展世界一流的研究,并为来自世界各地的学生提供最高质量的教学。 目前,我们有 5 个学科领域进入 QS 100 强,15 个学科领域进入 QS 200 强。 在最新的泰晤士高等教育排名中,女王大学也跻身世界前 200 强。 Can you tell us more about your city and links to employability? 您能向我们介绍一下您所在的城市以及与业界的联系吗? The city of Belfast also continues to change. Even those who have visited Belfast in recent years would notice a positive change in our city. We continue to have our famous ‘Northern Ireland’ welcome, but the city has attracted significant investment with Queen’s playing a key role in the Belfast Regional City Deal which is a Government led initiative which provides £1Billion of investment and aims to generate over 20,000 new jobs and establish the region as a leader in the areas such as Advanced Manufacturing and Digital Health. 贝尔法斯特市也在不断变化。 即使是近年来到过贝尔法斯特的人也会注意到我们城市的积极变化。 我们继续受到著名的 "北爱尔兰 "欢迎,但这座城市也吸引了大量投资,女王大学在贝尔法斯特地区城市协议(Belfast Regional City Deal)中发挥了关键作用,该协议由政府主导,提供 10 亿英镑的投资,旨在创造超过 20,000 个新的就业机会,并将该地区打造成为先进制造业和数字健康等领域的领导者。 GA and QUB 英国女王大学与金矢 Queen’s University Belfast and Golden Arrow have been partners for over 15 years. From our University’s early steps into internationalisation and international student recruitment, Golden Arrow was key in supporting our work within China. This included supporting us with key partnerships, such as Guangdong University of Finance. We value our partnership with Golden Arrow and today we celebrate with you as you reach this major milestone for you organisation. Congratulations to everyone at Golden Arrow Thank You 英国女王大学与金矢公司的合作关系已超过 15 年。 在女王大学迈向国际化和招收国际学生的初期,金矢集团一直是支持我们在中国开展工作的关键,包括支持我们与广东金融学院等重要合作伙伴的合作。 我们非常重视与金矢公司的合作关系,今天我们与你们一起庆祝贵公司的这一重要里程碑。 祝贺金矢的每一位员工。 谢谢。
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