
Truly的传播茶间 2025-01-02 11:28:39


Title: Keep Thinking and Keep Writing, Just Like Going to the Gym

出品 Produced by|薯条乌龙茶


排版 Layout|饱包


In my friend circle, the hot topics right now are AI, going global, and building IPs.


It’s said that "if something exists, it must make sense" and that these trends are shaping the future, but when everyone talks about them, it gets a bit cliché.


One time at dinner, a friend jokingly called them the "new three clichés." Everyone has their own spin on these buzzwords, but they all seem to share the same dreamy vision of something totally new—maybe just to avoid getting stuck on certain things that seem hard to break through at the moment.


Actually, when I first started working, the "new three clichés" I heard from my boss, who was ten years older than me, were just these: opening a guesthouse in Lijiang, cycling along the Sichuan-Tibet Highway, and quitting your job to move to Tibet.


When I mentioned this, one of the younger colleagues in my team said they'd never heard of this old version of the "new three clichés."


It’s not their fault, time flies. Now, the key players in my department are post-2000s, and somemates born in 1997 have even gone on to become young teachers at universities this year.


New words always get old, and what’s trendy today will eventually fade.


So, when I started this account today and decided to write something, I didn’t want it to be too niche. It’s fine if it’s broader.


I want this account to be a personal space, where I can casually jot down thoughts about everyday life or work, capturing those fleeting moments of inspiration.


When something moves me, I want to keep a record of it and stick with it. I think it’s like going to the gym—it’s about keeping good discipline.


The result, whether it’s focus, diligence, or thinking ability, is something I don’t want to lose in this time where we can’t live without our phones and AI makes everything so easy.


Of course, I also have a little thought. Maybe one of my posts will get pushed to someone who’s interested in it because of the algorithm. If that happens, feel free to add me (WeChat: trulytea).


I’d really like to meet more new people, especially those who share similar thoughts. I’m curious to know who you are.


I already have over 3,000 or 4,000 people in my friend circle, but most of them are from just two or three industries.


Maybe it’s good to keep some new friends around to see different things and inspire each other.


Alright, that’s about it. I won’t write too much, but let’s set a goal for this account—update every day, with each post between 700-1000 words.


How hard could it be, right?


It’s like sticking to 15 minutes of running every day—just keep up the self-discipline.


The best time to start writing was ten years ago; the second best time is now.


Let’s just get started.‍



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