
刷单词课程 2024-08-30 02:12:01

李贺中唐时期诗人,世称李长吉、李昌谷。与李白、李商隐并称 “三李”,后世称他为 “诗鬼”。一生仕途坎坷,未能施展自己的抱负,因此他的很多诗都表达了这种怀才不遇的痛苦和悲愤。今天分享李贺10首代表作品。每首包含诗原文、白话、英文翻译,创作背景及诗意境品读。

李贺﹒《雁门太守行》李贺﹒《雁门太守行》黑云压城城欲摧,甲光向日金鳞开。角声满天秋色里,塞上燕脂凝夜紫。半卷红旗临易水,霜重鼓寒声不起。报君黄金台上意,提携玉龙为君死。【创作背景】 唐朝藩镇叛乱时期,诗人以古乐府旧题写就,歌颂了守边将士浴血奋战、视死如归的英雄气概。【品词意境】 此诗意境雄浑壮烈,通过描绘战争的紧张氛围和将士们的英勇无畏,展现出一种悲壮之美。【白话文翻译】黑色的云压在城上,城墙仿佛将要被摧毁,铠甲的光芒照向太阳,如金色的鱼鳞般闪耀。在秋色中,号角声回荡在天空,边塞上的泥土如胭脂般在夜晚凝结成紫色。半卷着红旗来到易水边,霜很重,鼓声也因为寒冷而沉闷不响亮。为了报答君王在黄金台上的知遇之恩,手提着宝剑为君王战死。【英文翻译】Black clouds press down on the city and it seems about to be crushed. The armor's light shines towards the sun, opening like golden scales.In the autumn scenery, horn sounds fill the sky. On the frontier, the rouge-like earth congeals into purple at night.Half-unfurled red banners approach the Yi River. The frost is heavy and the drum sounds are muffled due to the cold.To repay the monarch's kindness shown on the Golden Terrace. I will hold the precious sword and die for the monarch.

李贺﹒《李凭箜篌引》李贺﹒《李凭箜篌引》吴丝蜀桐张高秋,空山凝云颓不流。江娥啼竹素女愁,李凭中国弹箜篌。昆山玉碎凤凰叫,芙蓉泣露香兰笑。十二门前融冷光,二十三丝动紫皇。女娲炼石补天处,石破天惊逗秋雨。梦入神山教神妪,老鱼跳波瘦蛟舞。吴质不眠倚桂树,露脚斜飞湿寒兔。【创作背景】 此诗作于元和六年(811 年)至元和八年,当时李贺在长安任奉礼郎,以善弹箜篌的宫廷乐师李凭为描写对象,展现了高超的艺术想象力。【品词意境】 诗中意境奇幻瑰丽,通过对李凭弹奏箜篌的生动描绘,展现出音乐的神奇魅力和超凡境界。【白话文翻译】在深秋时节弹奏吴地的丝弦和蜀地的桐木制成的乐器,空旷的山中,云朵凝聚,静止不动。江娥对着竹子啼哭,素女也忧愁,李凭在京城弹奏箜篌。像昆山美玉碎裂的声音,像凤凰鸣叫,芙蓉花带着露水哭泣,香兰花露出笑容。十二道门前的清冷月光都被融化了,二十三根弦的声音打动了天帝。女娲炼石补天的地方,石头被音乐震破,天空惊动,引来秋雨。在梦中进入神山教导神仙婆婆,年老的鱼在波浪中跳跃,瘦蛟翩翩起舞。吴刚倚靠着桂树无法入眠,露水斜飞,打湿了寒冷的玉兔。【英文翻译】In late autumn, Wu silk and Shu paulownia instruments are played. In the empty mountains, clouds gather and do not flow.The goddess by the river weeps over bamboo and the plain girl is sad. Li Ping plays the konghou in the capital.Like the sound of Kunshan jade shattering and phoenixes calling. Lotus flowers weep with dew while fragrant orchids smile.The cold light in front of the twelve gates is melted. The sounds of the twenty-three strings move the Purple Emperor.At the place where N黽a smelted stones to patch the sky. The stones break and the sky startles, eliciting autumn rain.In a dream, enter the divine mountain and teach the divine old woman. Old fish jump in the waves and thin dragons dance.Wu Zhi cannot sleep and leans against the osmanthus tree. Dew flies obliquely and wets the cold jade rabbit.

李贺﹒《马诗二十三首·其五》李贺﹒《马诗二十三首·其五》大漠沙如雪,燕山月似钩。何当金络脑,快走踏清秋。【创作背景】 诗人所处的中唐时期,藩镇割据,战事频繁,诗人怀才不遇,以马自喻,抒发自己的感慨。【品词意境】 意境雄浑开阔,通过对马的描写,表达了诗人渴望建功立业、施展抱负的雄心壮志。【白话文翻译】广阔的沙漠中沙子像雪一样,燕山上的月亮像钩子一样。什么时候能够给马戴上黄金装饰的辔头,在清朗的秋天快速奔驰。【英文翻译】In the vast desert, sand is like snow. The moon over Yanshan Mountain is like a hook.When can a golden bridle be put on a horse? Gallop quickly and tread on the clear autumn.

李贺﹒《南园十三首·其五》李贺﹒《南园十三首·其五》男儿何不带吴钩,收取关山五十州。请君暂上凌烟阁,若个书生万户侯。【创作背景】 李贺处于唐朝衰落时期,他虽身怀壮志,却报国无门,这首诗表达了他对国家命运的关切和渴望建功立业的心情。【品词意境】 诗的意境豪迈奔放,充满了报国的热情和壮志。【白话文翻译】男子汉为什么不带上吴钩这种兵器,去收复关山五十州呢?请你暂且登上凌烟阁去看一看,有哪个书生能被封为万户侯呢?【英文翻译】Why don't men take the Wu hook and reclaim the fifty states of Guanshan?Please ascend the Lingyan Pavilion for a moment. Which scholar has been made a marquis with ten thousand households?

李贺﹒《金铜仙人辞汉歌》李贺﹒《金铜仙人辞汉歌》茂陵刘郎秋风客,夜闻马嘶晓无迹。画栏桂树悬秋香,三十六宫土花碧。魏官牵车指千里,东关酸风射眸子。空将汉月出宫门,忆君清泪如铅水。衰兰送客咸阳道,天若有情天亦老。携盘独出月荒凉,渭城已远波声小。【创作背景】 唐宪宗后期,追求长生不老,服药过量而死,不久,唐穆宗即位,主张销兵,李贺写此诗以寄托感慨。【品词意境】 意境苍凉悲怆,通过描写金铜仙人辞别汉宫的情景,抒发了历史兴亡之感和人生的无常。【白话文翻译】茂陵中的汉武帝刘彻就像秋风中的过客,夜里听到马嘶声,天亮就没了踪迹。画着栏杆的宫殿里,桂树悬挂着秋天的香气,三十六座宫殿上青苔碧绿。魏国的官员牵着车指向千里之外,东关的寒风吹射着眼睛。只能带着汉朝的月亮走出宫门,回忆起君王,清澈的泪水如同铅水般沉重。衰败的兰花在咸阳道上送别,上天如果有感情,也会因为悲伤而衰老。独自端着盘子走出,月光下一片荒凉,渭城已经很远,水波声也渐渐小了。【英文翻译】Liu Lang of Maoling is like a traveler in the autumn wind. At night, the neighing of horses is heard, but by dawn there is no trace.In the palace with painted railings, osmanthus trees hang with autumn fragrance. On the thirty-six palaces, moss is green.The official of Wei leads the carriage and points to a place thousands of miles away. The sour wind at Dongguan shoots into the eyes.Leaving the palace gate only with the Han moon. Remembering the monarch, clear tears are as heavy as lead water.Withered orchids see off guests on the Xianyang Road. If heaven had feelings, it would also grow old because of sadness.Carrying a tray and walking out alone, under the desolate moonlight. The city of Weicheng is far away and the sound of waves is getting smaller.

李贺﹒《梦天》李贺﹒《梦天》老兔寒蟾泣天色,云楼半开壁斜白。玉轮轧露湿团光,鸾珮相逢桂香陌。黄尘清水三山下,更变千年如走马。遥望齐州九点烟,一泓海水杯中泻。【创作背景】 李贺一生仕途困厄,疾病缠身,这首诗可能是他在现实的困境中,通过梦境来寻求一种超越和寄托。【品词意境】 意境奇幻空灵,通过对梦境中天上世界的描绘,展现出诗人对宇宙的遐想和对人生的思考。【白话文翻译】月宫里的玉兔和蟾蜍在悲泣这幽冷的天色,云楼半开,月光斜照在墙壁上,一片洁白。月亮像玉轮辗过露水,沾湿了一团团的月光,在桂花飘香的路上,仙女们佩戴着鸾佩相逢。传说中的三座仙山下,黄尘和清水交替变化,千年的时光就像跑马一样迅速。远远望去,中国九州如同九点烟尘,那一湾海水就像从杯中倾泻而出。【英文翻译】In the palace, the old hare and the cold toad weep at the sky. The cloud tower is half open, and the wall is slantingly white under the moonlight.The jade wheel rolls over the dew and wets the round light. On the path fragrant with osmanthus, fairies meet with phoenix pendants on.Under the three fairy mountains, yellow dust and clear water alternate. A thousand years pass as quickly as a galloping horse.Looking afar, the nine regions of China are like nine dots of smoke. A pool of seawater seems to be poured out from a cup.

李贺﹒《苏小小墓》李贺﹒《苏小小墓》幽兰露,如啼眼。无物结同心,烟花不堪剪。草如茵,松如盖。风为裳,水为佩。油壁车,夕相待。冷翠烛,劳光彩。西陵下,风吹雨。【创作背景】 诗人可能在一次游历中经过苏小小墓,被其传说所触动,写下此诗,以表达对美好事物消逝的感慨。【品词意境】 意境幽冷凄清,通过对苏小小墓地景色的描写,营造出一种神秘而哀怨的氛围。【白话文翻译】兰花上的露水,就像哭泣的眼睛。没有什么东西可以结成同心结,烟花也不能裁剪。草地如同垫子,松树如同车盖。风当作衣裳,水当作佩饰。油壁车,在傍晚时分等待着。绿色的蜡烛散发着冷冷的光,徒劳地闪耀着光彩。在西陵之下,风雨交加。【英文翻译】The dew on the orchid is like weeping eyes.There is nothing to tie as a token of love. Fireworks cannot be cut.The grass is like a cushion. The pine is like a carriage cover.Wind is taken as clothing. Water is taken as an ornament.The oil-painted carriage waits in the evening.The cold green candle shines with a cold light in vain.Under the Western Mausoleum, wind blows and rain falls.

李贺﹒《致酒行》李贺﹒《致酒行》零落栖迟一杯酒,主人奉觞客长寿。主父西游困不归,家人折断门前柳。吾闻马周昔作新丰客,天荒地老无人识。空将笺上两行书,直犯龙颜请恩泽。我有迷魂招不得,雄鸡一声天下白。少年心事当拿云,谁念幽寒坐呜呃。【创作背景】 李贺遭逢人生困境,借酒浇愁时所作,抒发了怀才不遇的愤懑和对未来的期待。【品词意境】 意境沉郁又充满希望,通过主父偃和马周的故事,表达了自己虽处困境但仍渴望有所作为的心情。【白话文翻译】我潦倒穷困漂泊落魄,唯有借酒消愁,主人捧起酒杯祝客人长寿。主父偃向西游历,受困不能归来,家人把门前的柳枝都折断了。我听说马周昔日曾是新丰的客人,直到天荒地老也无人赏识。只凭借纸上的几行字,就敢冒犯皇帝请求恩泽。我有迷失的魂魄无法召回,直到雄鸡一声啼叫,天下大白。少年人应当有凌云壮志,谁会想到在困境中唉声叹气呢。【英文翻译】I am down and out and drifting. Only a cup of wine can ease my sorrow. The host raises the cup and wishes the guest a long life.Lord Father traveled west but was trapped and couldn't return. His family broke the willow branches in front of the door.I have heard that Ma Zhou was once a guest in Xinfeng. No one recognized him even when the world grows old.Only with a few lines on paper, he dared to offend the emperor and ask for favor.I have a lost soul that cannot be summoned back. Until a rooster crows, the world becomes bright.A young man should have lofty aspirations. Who would think of sitting and sighing in adversity?

李贺﹒《天上谣》李贺﹒《天上谣》天河夜转漂回星,银浦流云学水声。玉宫桂树花未落,仙妾采香垂佩缨。秦妃卷帘北窗晓,窗前植桐青凤小。王子吹笙鹅管长,呼龙耕烟种瑶草。粉霞红绶藕丝裙,青洲步拾兰苕春。东指羲和能走马,海尘新生石山下。【创作背景】 诗人在现实生活中不得志,通过想象天上的美好世界来寄托自己的理想和追求。【品词意境】 意境奇幻绚丽,描绘了天上仙境的美妙景象,充满了浪漫主义色彩。【白话文翻译】天河在夜里转动,星星在河中漂浮,银河中的流云仿佛在模仿流水的声音。月宫中的桂树花还没有落下,仙女们采摘着香气,佩带着饰物。秦妃卷起帘子,北窗迎来黎明,窗前种着梧桐树,上面停着小青凤。王子吹着笙,笙管很长,呼唤龙在烟雾中耕耘,种植瑶草。仙女穿着粉色的彩霞和红色的绶带以及藕丝裙,在青洲漫步,采摘着兰花。向东指着羲和,羲和驾着太阳快速奔驰,海尘在石山下不断新生。【英文翻译】At night, the Milky Way turns and floating stars drift. Clouds in the Silver River seem to imitate the sound of flowing water.The osmanthus flowers in the jade palace haven't fallen. Fairy maidens pick fragrance and wear pendants.Princess Qin rolls up the curtain. Dawn comes through the north window. In front of the window, there is a phoenix tree with a small green phoenix on it.The prince plays the sheng with a long tube. He calls dragons to plow in the mist and plant precious herbs.Fairy maidens wear pink rosy clouds, red ribbons and lotus-root silk skirts. They stroll on the Green Isle and pick orchids in spring.Pointing eastward to Xihe. Xihe can drive the sun to gallop quickly. Sea dust is constantly emerging under the stone mountain.

李贺﹒《秋来》李贺﹒《秋来》桐风惊心壮士苦,衰灯络纬啼寒素。谁看青简一编书,不遣花虫粉空蠹。思牵今夜肠应直,雨冷香魂吊书客。秋坟鬼唱鲍家诗,恨血千年土中碧。【创作背景】 李贺一生坎坷,体弱多病,这首诗可能是在他病中所作,表达了对人生的无奈和对命运的悲叹。【品词意境】 意境凄冷阴森,通过对秋天景象的描写,抒发了诗人内心的愁苦和孤独。【白话文翻译】秋风吹过梧桐树令人心惊,壮士心中痛苦,昏暗的灯光下纺织娘在寒冷的夜里啼叫。有谁会看这一卷书简,不让花虫把它蛀空成粉末。思绪牵挂着今夜,愁肠应该是直的,冰冷的雨仿佛是香魂在凭吊书客。秋坟中的鬼魂吟唱着鲍照的诗,那含恨的血在土中历经千年化成了碧玉。【英文翻译】The autumn wind blowing through the paulownia tree startles people. The strong man is in pain. Under the dim light, the katydid chirps in the cold night.Who will read this volume of bamboo slips? Don't let the insects eat it up and turn it into powder.Thoughts are tied to tonight. The intestines should be straight. The cold rain seems to be the fragrant soul mourning the scholar.The ghosts in the autumn graves sing Bao Zhao's poems. The blood of hatred has turned into jasper in the soil for thousands of years.
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