
添彩学生活 2024-04-24 09:43:57




1. My hobbies are playing basketball and reading books. 我的爱好是打篮球和看书。

2. I am good at swimming and playing basketball. 我擅长于游泳和打篮球。

3. She sometimes helps me with my homework. 有时她会帮助我做作业。

4. My dream is to be a nurse when I grow up. 我的梦想是长大后当一名护士。

5. I have to do the housework for about an hour every day. 我每天必须做大约一个小时的家务。

6. Alice is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. 艾丽丝是我见过最美丽的女孩子。

7. Having a good habit plays an important role in our daily life. 拥有一个好习惯在我们的日常生活中很重要。

8. I think listening to music has a great influence on enriching my life.


9.If I fall in love with dancing, I will make full use of my time to learn to dance.


10.As far as I’m concerned, having a hobby can make my life meaningful.




1. I want to know why you are always late for school. 我想知道你为什么总是上学迟到。

2. We should go to bed early so that we can focus on our lessons in.

我们应该早点睡觉, 以便上课时能够集中精神听课。

3. On weekdays, I am always busy with my schoolwork. On weekends, I usually spend time with my family.

在工作日, 我总是忙于我的学业。在周末, 我通常和我的家人一起度过。

4. We take an active part in social activities as volunteers. 我们作为志愿者积极参加社会活动。

5. After school, I usually take exercise which helps me keep healthy. 放学后, 我通常做运动保持健康。

6. The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future.

孩子们越早学会独立, 对他们的未来就越好。

7. Doing chores helps to develop children’s independence and teaches them how to look after themselves.

做家务能帮助发展孩子们的独立性, 并且教他们如何照顾他们自己。

8. It’s important for us to develop good habits. Good habits are important in our lives. They influence us a lot in many ways. 养成良好的习惯对我们来说很重要。好习惯在我们的生活中很重要。他们在很多方面影响着我们。

9. In my opinion, we can do something meaningful instead of playing with the smartphone or watching TV.


10. Volunteering here is a dream come true for me. I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.




1.I will never forget my first trip to Beijing, which was really an unforgettable experience for me.

我永远不会忘记第一次去北京的旅行, 对我来说这是一次难忘的经历。

2. There are several green ways of transportation available such as going out by bike or underground.

有几种绿色出行的方法可行, 例如骑单车或坐地铁。

3. Guangzhou is a beautiful city with plenty of famous places of interest.

广州是一个美丽的城市, 有很多名胜古迹。

4. There is no doubt that shared bikes bring a lot of convenience to people’s lives.

毫无疑问, 共享单车给人们的生活带来了很多便利。

5. In order to handle the problem of traffic jam, effective measures should be taken before the situation gets worse. 为了解决交通阻塞的问题, 在形势变得更加严峻之前必须采取有效的措施。

6. Whenever I think of the shared bikes which are thrown away everywhere, I cannot help feeling sad.每当我想起被随处乱扔的共享单车, 我就忍不住感到伤心。

7.Traveling can not only enrich our knowledge about the local culture but also make us get relaxed and keep healthy. 旅游不但能够丰富我们对当地文化的认识, 也能够让我们放松和保持健康。

8.The most interesting museum I’ve ever been to is the American Computer Museum.


9.For thousands of tourists from China, this small island is a wonderful and safe place to take a holiday. 对于成千上万名来自中国的游客来说,这个小岛屿是个即好又安全的度假之地。



1. Why not come and join the Solar Power Club? 为什么不来加入太阳能俱乐部呢?

2. I often take part in all kinds of after-school activities. 我经常参加各种各样的课外活动。

3. There are different kinds of activities during the English Week, such as an English book fair, speaking competition and so on. 英语周期间有各种各样的活动, 如英语书展、英语演讲比赛等。

4. My school life is colorful and meaningful. 我的学校生活是丰富多彩和有意义的。

5. Time is valuable, and it is really important to make full use of our school life.

时间是宝贵的, 好好利用学校生活的时光真的很重要。

6. How exciting it is to win the first prize in the English speech competition.


7. It not only provides us with a chance to learn about the world outside school but also offers us a good opportunity to have a better understanding of the local culture and history. 它不但给我们提供了了解学校之外的世界的机会, 也为我们提供了更好地了解当地文化和历史的机会。

8. Looking back at the past three years, I’d like to say thanks to you for helping me with my English. 回顾过去的三年,我想对你说声谢谢,谢谢你对我英语学习的帮助。

9. As the saying goes, “A man without friends is an angel without wings.” I’m sure I can fly higher and farther with the wings of friendship. 俗话说:“没有朋友的人就像没有翅膀的天使。”我相信,有了友谊的翅膀,我一定能飞得更高更远。



1. We have made a list of all the things we wish to do. 我们已经列出了所有我们想做的事情的清单。

2. I am going to travel to some places of interest which can open my eyes.

我准备去游览一些名胜古迹, 它们能开阔我的眼界。

3. I also want to learn to draw pictures. Because it is not only interesting but also relaxing. 我也想学画画。因为它不仅有趣而且令人放松。

4.Tony is going to be a volunteer in a hospital. He’ll get some experience in taking care of people.托尼准备去医院做一名志愿者。他将得到一些照顾别人的经验。

5. I’m going to enjoy myself in the sea of knowledge. I’m going to keep fit at the same time. I’m going to help my parents do some housework as well during the vacation. 在假期里, 我准备徜徉在知识的海洋里。同时, 我准备健身。我也准备帮父母做家务。

6. We had better make good use of it to make it wonderful. 我们最好充分利用它, 使它变得更好。

7. In a word, it’s helpful for our society to do some charity. Many hands make light work. 总之,做一些慈善对我们的社会是有帮助的。人多好办事。



1. What our parents need most are care and warmth. 我们父母最需要的是关心和温暖。

2. Having too much pressure will have an effect/influence on our health. 压力过大对我们的身体健康有影响。

3. Some students find it difficult to get on well with othermates. 一些学生觉得和其他同学好好相处有困难。

4. Words fail me when I want to express my thanks to you. 我无法用言语来表达对你的感谢。

5. I am more than happy to help you out. 我很高兴能够帮助你解决问题。

6. Could you tell me some advice on how to solve this problem successfully and effectively? 你能给我一些成功有效地解决这个问题的建议吗?

7. Like other students in my, I often feel stressed and don’t know how to cope with this problem. 像班上的其他学生一样, 我经常感到有压力, 并且不知道如何解决这个问题。

8. Sharing a problem is like cutting it in half. 与人分担一个烦恼就像把麻烦分成两半。

9. It's best not to run away from our problems. We should try our best to solve them. 最好不要逃避我们的问题。我们应该尽力去解决它们。



1. So precious is health that we cannot afford to lose it. 健康如此重要, 以至于我们承受不起失去它的代价。

2. By taking proper exercise, you will be able to keep fit. 通过适当的运动, 你就能保持健康。

3. On no account can we ignore the value of health. 我们决不能忽视健康的价值。

4. All in all, we can come to the conclusion that health is better than wealth.

总之, 我们可以得出结论——健康胜于财富。

5. Recently, the problem of health has aroused people’s great concern.

最近, 健康问题已经引起人们极大的关注。

6. According to the survey, more than 50% of the American teenagers are overweight.

根据调查可知, 超过50%的美国青少年都过胖。

7. Listening to music is a good way to get relaxed and stay healthy. 听音乐是放松和保持健康的好方法。

8. Among various kinds of food, I like pizza best. 在各种食物当中, 我最喜欢比萨饼。9. Students’ safety has become a big problem. So, our school thinks it is necessary to teach students how to protect themselves.


10. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一日一苹果,胜过找医生。

11. I think all of us should understand the importance of protecting eyes and try our best to protect them.


12. It is known to us that a healthy lifestyle leads to a healthy life, so it’s important for us to keep a healthy lifestyle.


13. All in all, a healthy lifestyle can help you feel more relaxed. 总之,健康的生活方式可以帮助你感到更放松。



1. Those who are interested in literature are welcome to participate in the reading club.


2.I prefer to read more short stories rather than waste time in playing computer games.

我宁愿阅读更多的短篇故事, 也不愿意把时间浪费在玩电脑游戏上。

3.Shakespeare, a great English poet, is considered as the best poet in the world.

莎士比亚, 一位伟大的英国诗人, 被认为是世界上最好的诗人。

4.If there are no poems in the world, our life will be just like the land without water.

如果世界上没有诗歌, 我们的生活就会像没有水的土地一样。

5.If I were you, I would spend more time reading instead of sitting around all day long.

如果我是你, 我就会多花点时间读书, 而不是整天无所事事。

6.Born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, Luxun is considered as one of the most outstanding writers in China.

鲁迅出生于浙江绍兴, 他被认为是中国最优秀的作家之一。

7.As for me, I believe reading poems will enable you to have a better understanding of people’s lives.

对我来说, 我相信阅读诗歌能让你对人们的生活有更好的理解。

8. It goes without saying that literature plays an important role in history.

毫无疑问, 文学在历史上起着很重要的作用。

9. It is a pity that I wasn’t aware of the importance of reading widely when I was a child.

遗憾的是, 我小时候没有意识到广泛阅读的重要性。

10. I think exercising is good for our physical and mental health. 我认为锻炼对我们的身心健康有好处。

11. Hiking can make us get close to nature and take exercise at the same time.


12. Country music reminds us that the best things in life are free—laughter, friends, family and the beauty of nature. 乡村音乐提醒我们,生活中最好的东西是免费的—笑声、朋友、家人、大自然和乡村的美丽。



1. With the help of the government, my hometown will become more and more beautiful.

在政府的帮助之下, 我的家乡将变得越来越美。

2. My hometown has changed so much that I could hardly believe my eyes. I hope it’ll change for the better for ever.

我的家乡变化如此大, 以至于我几乎不敢相信我的眼睛。我希望它永远朝着更好的方向发展。

3. To my joy, more and more people have moved into the new flats.

令我惊喜的是, 越来越多的人已经搬进新房里。

4.I hope my hometown will be more and more beautiful in the future.


6. Shanghai lies in the east of China. 上海位于中国东部。

7. Of all the landmarks, the Oriental Pearl TV Tower is one of the most attractive destinations.

在所有地标性建筑物中, 东方明珠电视塔是最吸引人的目的地之一。

8. No matter where you go, you will be caught by the views.

不论你去哪里, 你都将被那些景色吸引。



1. Nothing is more important than learning a foreign language in the 22nd century.

在22世纪, 没有什么比学习一门外语更重要。

2. We cannot emphasize the importance of reading English too much every day.


3. From my point of view, I really think highly of memorizing words by reading widely.

就我个人而言, 我非常重视通过广泛阅读来记忆单词。

4. The harder you work at English, the more progress you will make.

你越努力学习英语, 你的进步就会越大。

5. As an old saying goes well, “Practice makes perfect”. 有句俗语说得好: “熟能生巧”。

6. Try to seize every chance to practise speaking English both in and out of.


7. I think your hard work will pay off as long as you stick to the end.

只要你坚持到最后, 我认为你的努力一定会有回报的。

8. With the help of my teacher, I become confident and make rapid progress.

在我的老师的帮助下, 我变得自信并取得了快速的进步。

9. Knowledge comes from questioning. 知识源于质疑。

10. I discovered that listening to something interesting is the secret to language learning.


11. Learning is a lifelong journey because every day brings something new.


12. You really require a lot of talent and hard work to succeed.


13. It doesn’t matter whether or not you make mistakes. What matters most is to correct and learn from them.


14. Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. 世上无难事,只要肯登攀。

15. Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。



1. I am extremely glad you have interest in our traditional Chinese culture.


2. The Spring Festival is the most significant traditional holiday in China, which usually lasts for 15 days.

春节是中国最重要的传统节日, 通常持续15天。

3. The Spring Festival is celebrated in January or February this year. (我们)今年在一月或二月庆祝春节。

4. The Dragon Boat Festival is a Chinese tradition which dates back more than two thousand years.


5. Kids enjoy themselves on Children’s Day, which is a day to encourage children and bring joy to them around the world.

孩子们在儿童节玩得很愉快, 这是鼓励全世界的孩子们并给他们带来欢乐的一天。

6. The Mid-Autumn Festival is a day for family reunion. It is full of joy and happiness.

中秋节是家庭团圆日, 充满欢乐和幸福。

7.The Spring Festival is an important traditional Chinese festival which is full of love and fun. It’s also a time of reunion and thanksgiving.

春节是一个充满爱和欢乐的中国传统节日, 也是团圆和感恩的时间。

8.The mooncake has the meaning of family reunion and it carries people’s wishes to the family they love and miss.


9.We also watch the Spring Festival Gala and stay up late, hoping to have a new start in the following year.




1. Though sometimes I’m angry, I never say bad words to others in order to express my anger.

尽管有时候我很生气, 但是我决不向别人说不好的话来表达我的生气。

2. It’s good to queue up when we are waiting. 我们排队等待(的行为)是很好的。

3. We must throw rubbish into rubbish bins. 我们必须把垃圾扔进垃圾箱里。

4. People’s opinion on you depends on your manners. 人们对你的看法取决于你的行为。

5. We should speak in a low voice in public. What’s more, we ought to keep smiling.

在公共场合, 我们应该小声说话。另外, 我们应该保持微笑。

6. To leave a good impression on others, we should have good manners first.

为给别人留下好的印象, 我们应该先有好的礼仪。

7. To be a student with good manners, we should greet the old and show our respect to them. We should queue up while waiting for the bus and paying in the supermarket.

为了成为有良好品行的学生, 我们应向老人打招呼表达我们的尊敬。当我们等公交、在超市付钱时, 我们应该排队。

8. To be a student with good manners, I shouldn’t talk loudly in public. When other people are talking, I shouldn’t disturb them suddenly. I should wait for them until their conversation comes to an end.

为了成为有良好品行的好学生, 我不应该在公共场合大声说话。当别人说话时, 我不应该突然打断, 我应该一直等到他们的谈话结束。



1. As we all know, the amount of fresh water which is suitable to drink is less and less.

众所周知, 适合饮用的淡水的数量越来越少了。

2.We should plant more and more trees in order to live better and more healthily in the future.

为了将来能够过上更加美好以及健康的生活, 我们应该多种树木。

3.We should do as much as we can to prevent people from putting waste water into rivers.


4. As an old saying goes, “Actions speak louder than words”. 正如俗话所说: “行动胜于雄辩。”

5. Don’t let our tears be the last drop of water in the world.


6. I believe even the simplest action can make a big difference on the environment.


7. Let’s work together to make the world a better place to live in!

让我们共同努力, 让世界变成一个更好的居住地!

8. In addition, I suggest using handkerchiefs instead of tissues so that we can prevent more trees from being cut down.

另外, 我建议使用手帕来代替纸巾, 这样我们就能防止更多的树木被砍伐。

9. It is some people’s great responsibility that makes our future become better and better.


10. What we should do is to start out small. 我们应该做的就是从小事做起。

11. To cut down air pollution, we should take the bus or subway instead of driving.


12. Remember to throw rubbish in the bins and keep public places clean and beautiful for everyone.


13. So together, our actions can make a difference and lead to a better future.


14. All these small things can add up and become big things that can improve the environment. Let’s take action now!


15. We can take some measures to make more people realize the importance of protecting animals in danger.



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