
中书国画 2024-08-26 16:10:22








Xu Enjia: Drawing Inspiration from Nature, Fusing Ancient and Modern Styles

Xu Enjia, styled Jiabo, known as Jushan Qiao Zhe and Master of Shixuetang, was born in the year of Renyin in the fertile lands of Heilongjiang. In his youth, he was educated at home, combining farming and study. As he grew older, he sought knowledge across the land, traveling north and south, immersing himself in the arts of painting and calligraphy. His early works depicted lively figures, followed by meticulous flower and bird paintings, and later, weighty landscapes—all rooted in his love for literature and nature. His journeys through famous mountains across China allowed him to absorb the spirit of the land, beginning with the landscape techniques of the Five Dynasties and Northern Song, later incorporating elements from the Ming and Qing dynasties, ultimately blending the old with the new to form his unique style.

For over thirty years, Xu has navigated the sea of art, guided by esteemed masters, diligently honing his craft. He holds traditional learning close to his heart, with his brushwork embodying the essence of Chinese painting. Yet, his aspirations extend beyond ancient methods, seeking to capture the spirit of the new era. Xu often remarks that nature is the greatest teacher. Thus, he frequently travels across China, sketching from life, capturing the grandeur of mountains and the delicacy of rivers, blending them into his brushwork, gradually forming a distinctive style. His works, while deeply rooted in tradition, also embrace contemporary freshness, combining form and spirit in a manner uniquely his own.

Xu’s landscape paintings encompass a wide range of subjects, with diverse styles and varied forms. His compositions are meticulously crafted, with brushstrokes that are both rich and unadorned, colors that are robust and elegant, and an overall tone of refined simplicity. He excels at expressing the vast through the minute, with even small-scale works carrying profound emotion and a deep sense of tranquility. Such works have long been valued in the market, with many collectors treating them as treasures, anticipating their appreciation in value. Xu’s creations are full of life, fresh and unpretentious, with each brushstroke conveying a reflection on life.

Xu Enjia’s "Soul of Xiaoxiang" series is particularly treasured by the world. Among them, the scroll "Sunset Over the Mountains" stands out. In it, the setting sun dips below the horizon, the sky’s clouds like brocades, distant mountains glowing red like fire, with a towering pine standing tall, and a small boat floating on crimson waves—an array of magnificence, akin to a fairyland. This painting’s deep, serene atmosphere, with towering pines and tranquil waters, blending the real with the unreal, reflects his inner peace and broad mind. His brushstrokes are lively, the mood profound; meticulous in technique, detailed yet not overdone, simple but full of charm, with colors bright yet not chaotic. The rhythm of his strokes suggests a rising emotion, his paintings like silent music, resonating deeply, with movement within stillness, and emotion within motion. Viewers, as they wander through his paintings, seem to touch the beauty of nature, the tranquility of the soul, and the breath of all things.

The realm of flower-and-bird painting is vast, and Xu Enjia has carved out his own path, excelling in fine brushwork and vibrant colors. His works, though grounded in ancient tradition, do not rigidly adhere to the past. They combine the brilliance of color with tranquility, the fineness of line with hidden charm, merging the ancient with the modern in his expressive style, encapsulating nature’s elegance and conveying heartfelt emotions. The myriad elements within his paintings are organized with precision, layer upon layer, seemingly born of spontaneity, yet indescribably profound. Xu Enjia’s artistic journey is unbound by convention; he explores boldly and innovates with resolve. Each piece blends emotion with brush, conveying the majesty of mountains and rivers, with a deep and expansive mood, and a style uniquely his own. His painting style, while embracing tradition, also exudes fresh vitality, full of spirit and grandeur. His richly colored and finely delineated flower-and-bird paintings are unparalleled in the present age, shining with brilliance.

In the realm of Chinese painting, calligraphy and painting are inseparable. Xu Enjia fully grasps this principle, infusing the rhythm of calligraphy into his paintings. His brushwork is powerful, his compositions grand, with structure precise and spirit vibrant. He honors ancient methods without being bound by them, innovates without straying from the path, creating works with profound atmospheres and boundless vitality. Viewing his paintings is like hearing celestial music, like witnessing a wondrous scene. His landscapes transcend mere form, blending the ancient with the modern, emotions tied to the mountains and rivers, reaching the heavens. His strokes are free and fluid, colors harmonious, the mood deep and thought-provoking. Observers, when encountering his works, feel as if they have stepped into a dream, their spirits lifted, their hearts broadened, and worldly worries dissolved. These are treasures of the art world, nourishing the soul, inspiring wisdom, and reflecting the vast and profound essence of Chinese culture.


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