

The Parties to a contract may be discharged from the necessity of further performance if the contract becomes frustrated. A contract may become frustrated where, before property and risk have passed, it becomes impossible to perform the contract legally, or the circumstances so  change that performance would be radically different from what was contemplated in the contract. The frustrating event must occur without the fault of either party. Examples of frustrating events are the outbreak of war or a supervening illegality, i.e. where performance becomes illegal by law after the contract.

合同落空,当事人可不再继续履行合同。合同无法依法履行或因情势变更,合同的履行与合同规定大相径庭,在财产与风险转移之前,合同可以落空。发生合同落空事项,当事人均不得有过错。合同落空的情况如战争爆发或合同订立后随即发生非法行为,即合同于订立后  其履行即为非法。

转载自:译问  作者:旗渡法务中心

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