
旧游成梦寐 2024-04-30 21:24:49


One harm to the body, two harm to emotions. People are equal at birth and death - they come and go in tears. Be careful, take a step back from the vast sea and sky, and endure the calm waves for a while; Complaining too much can prevent intestinal rupture, and it is advisable to look at the scenery carefully.


There is a group of people who, when faced with unpleasant things, cannot find any trace from them. They still work and live calmly, with a bright smile on their faces.


This smile can infect people around us, so everyone is very happy.


So such people are always particularly popular.


Spread beauty and reap happiness. Appearance is a mood, appearance is a power.


While examining beauty on one's own, allowing others to appreciate it is spiritual yoga - adjustment, cultivation, and transcendence.


Someone once conducted an experiment: asking a woman to go to the streets to borrow money and seek help in a disheveled and exquisitely dressed appearance.


For the first time, the woman had a waxy yellow face, full of spots, and looked like she was wearing a bird's nest head. She asked many people on the street, but none of them offered her help.


The second time, after makeup and hairstyle design, wearing the same clothes. But the result was shocking: those seeking help all smiled and extended a helping hand, while others generously took out their wallets and handed out their business cards.


Beauty is human nature, and appearance is the first impression of meeting you. An elegant and generous appearance looks more reliable because it represents your pursuit and commitment to quality of life.

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