
刷单词课程 2024-07-18 16:02:44
今天是《20天学54篇英文小故事,搞定小学英语1200单词及听说读写》暑假小学英语学习计划的第10天。一大早,爱学习的王妞妞同学敲门进来... 妞妞:“安安老师,昨天我们学习的两篇关于人的身体和五官表达的英文短文,我已经能背诵下来了,今天我们要学习什么呢?” 安安老师:“妞妞,今天继续学习关于我们人类相关的一些英文单词,写四篇小短文,把人的外貌、人的情感、人的品性以及人的状态相关的小学阶段需要掌握的大纲词汇学习一下。” 妞妞:“那这样的话,我们就学习六篇与人相关的短文了,以后英文考试中再有写人作文,我就不怕了!” 安安老师:“是呀,通过这六篇短文的学习,对于你的口语表达和写作都会有很大帮助的。” 妞妞:“嗯,我们开始学习吧!” 【短文音频】 【短文正文1】《公园里的和谐一幕》-- 第18篇(共54篇)【知识点:学习人的外貌相关单词】 In the park, there are people of all kinds. 在公园里,有各种各样的人。 There is a young girl who is tall and thin. 有一个年轻的女孩,她又高又瘦。 She looks very beautiful. 她看起来非常漂亮。 Not far from her, there is a cute baby who was just born. 离她不远,有一个刚出生的可爱婴儿。 A short old man is sitting on a bench. 一个矮矮的老人正坐在长椅上。 He is not strong but has a lovely smile. 他不强壮但有一个可爱的笑容。 There is also a fat woman who is very kind. 还有一个胖胖的女人,她非常和蔼。 Next to her is a tall boy who is very strong. 在她旁边是一个高高的男孩,他非常强壮。 However, there is an ugly man walking alone. 然而,有一个丑陋的男人独自走着。 His face shows that he is not happy. 他的脸显示他不开心。 But a thin and young woman with a friendly look makes the atmosphere better. 但是一个瘦瘦的年轻女人,带着友好的神情,让气氛好了起来。 【单词背诵1】 born [bɔːn] adj. 出生的 tall [tɔːl] adj. 高的 short [ʃɔːt] adj. 短的、矮的 fat [fæt] adj. 胖的 thin [θɪn] adj. 瘦的、细的 old [əʊld] adj. 年老 的、旧的 young [jʌŋ] adj. 年轻的、幼小的 strong [strɔŋ;(US)strɔːɡ] adj. 强壮的 beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪf(ə)l] adj. 漂亮的 ugly [ˈʌɡlɪ] adj. 丑陋的 lovely [ˈlʌvlɪ] adj. 可爱的 cute [kjuːt] adj. 可爱的 【短文正文2】 《难忘的一天》-- 第19篇(共54篇) 【知识点:学习人的情感相关单词】 I had an unforgettable day. 我度过了难忘的一天。 In the morning, I was happy to go to the park. 早上,我开心地去公园。 I was interested in the beautiful flowers there. 我对那里美丽的花朵感兴趣。 But then I lost my wallet and I felt sad. 但随后我丢了钱包,感到很难过。 I was afraid that my parents would be angry with me. 我害怕父母会对我生气。 When I told them about it, they weren't angry and said they were sorry that it happened. 当我告诉他们这件事时,他们没有生气,还说很抱歉发生了这种事。 Later, a kind person returned my wallet and I was surprised and excited. 后来,一位好心人归还了我的钱包,我又惊讶又兴奋。 This day made me feel all kinds of emotions. 这一天让我感受到了各种各样的情绪。 【单词背诵2】 feel [fiːl] v. 感觉;摸触 happy [ˈhæpɪ] adj. 快乐的 sad [sæd] adj. 悲伤的 excited [ɪkˈsaɪtɪd] adj. 兴奋的 interested [ˈɪntrəstɪd] adj. 感到有趣的 surprised [səˈpraɪzd] adj. 感到惊奇的 angry [ˈænɡrɪ] adj. 生气的 sorry [ˈsɔrɪ] adj. 抱歉的 afraid [əˈfreɪd] adj. 担心的、害怕的 【短文正文3】 《同学间的友爱》-- 第20篇(共54篇) 【知识点:学习人的品性相关单词】 In our school, there are various kinds of students. 在我们学校,有各种各样的学生。 Alice is a very nice and polite girl. 爱丽丝是个非常友善和有礼貌的女孩。 She is always kind to everyone and never rude. 她总是对每个人都很友善,从不会粗鲁。 She is also very helpful and friendly. 她还非常乐于助人且友好。 Tom is a clever and smart boy. 汤姆是个聪明机灵的男孩。 He is good at studies and always does his homework carefully. 他学习很好,总是认真做作业。 However, sometimes he can be a little foolish and do stupid things. 然而,有时候他会有点傻,做些蠢事。 Lily is a shy girl. 莉莉是个害羞的女孩。 She is too afraid to speak in front of the. 她太害怕以至于不敢在全班面前讲话。 But she is honest and has a good heart. 但她很诚实,有一颗善良的心。 On the contrary, Jack is a bad boy. 相反,杰克是个坏男孩。 He is not only impolite but also often plays tricks on others, which is a very foolish behavior. 他不仅不礼貌,还经常捉弄别人,这是非常愚蠢的行为。 We should learn from the good examples like Alice and Tom, and try to avoid being like Jack. 我们应该向爱丽丝和汤姆这样的好榜样学习,尽量避免像杰克那样。 We should be kind, helpful, and careful in our daily life. 在日常生活中,我们应该友善、乐于帮助他人并且仔细认真。 【单词背诵3】 good [ɡʊd] adj. 好的 nice [naɪs] adj. 美好的 bad [bæd] adj. 坏的 kind [kaɪnd] adj. 善良的、n.种类 friendly [ˈfrendlɪ] adj. 友好的 polite [pəˈlaɪt] adj. 礼貌的 rude [ruːd] adj. 粗鲁的 helpful [ˈhelpfʊl] adj. 助人为乐的 honest [ˈɔnɪst] adj. 诚实的 clever [ˈklevə(r)] adj. 聪明的 smart [smɑːt] adj. 聪明的 careful [ˈkeəfʊl] adj. 仔细的 foolish [ˈfuːlɪʃ] adj. 傻的 stupid [ˈstjuːpɪd] adj. 愚蠢的 shy [ʃaɪ] adj. 害羞的 【短文正文4】 《忙碌的生活》-- 第21篇(共54篇) 【知识点:学习人的状态相关单词】 Dear friends, let me tell you about my recent days. 亲爱的朋友们,让我给你们讲讲我最近的日子。 I have been very busy recently. 我最近非常忙。 I had to work long hours every day and felt extremely tired. 每天都要工作很长时间,感觉极其疲惫。 But I'm lucky because my efforts have paid off and I've made a lot of money, so I'm not poor anymore. 但我很幸运,因为我的努力有了回报,赚了很多钱,所以不再贫穷。 There is a famous actor in our town. 我们镇上有一位著名的演员。 He seems to have everything - he is rich and well-known. 他似乎拥有一切——富有且出名。 But he told me that he sometimes feels ill because of the high pressure of work and he longs for some free time. 但他告诉我,由于工作压力大,他有时会生病,渴望一些空闲时间。 On the contrary, there is a lazy man in the neighborhood. 相反,邻居中有一个懒人。 He doesn't want to work hard and is always poor. 他不想努力工作,总是很穷。 I hope he can change and become a fine person. 我希望他能改变,成为一个优秀的人。 I believe as long as we work hard and are not lazy, we will have a better life whether we are rich or not. 我相信只要我们努力工作,不懒惰,无论富有与否,我们都会有更好的生活。 【单词背诵4】 lucky [ˈlʌkɪ] adj. 幸运的 lazy [ˈleɪzɪ] adj. 懒惰的 busy [ˈbɪzɪ] adj. 忙的 free [friː] adj. 自由的、免费的 poor [pʊə(r)] adj. 贫穷的、可怜的 rich [rɪtʃ] adj. 富裕的 dear [dɪə(r)] adj. 亲爱的、昂贵的 famous [ˈfeɪməs] adj. 著名的 tired [ˈtaɪəd] adj. 疲劳的 ill [ɪl] adj. 有病的、不健康的 well [wel] adj. 健康的、adv.好 fine [faɪn] adj. 美好的
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