
奈何天在云端 2024-10-09 12:57:21


「We are in the happy position, happier at least for the Financial Secretary where the leverage exercised by Government on the economy is so small that it is not necessary, not even of any particular value, to have these figures available for the formulation of policy. We might indeed be right to be apprehensive lest the availability of such figures might lead, by a reversal of cause and effect, to policies designed to have a direct effect on the economy. I would myself deplore this.」


「起码在财 政 司而言,我们的处境较为幸运,因为政 府极少参与经济活动,故此无须借助这些数字制定政策,这些数字对我们可以说毫无价值可言。我们应更格外警惕的是,一旦有了这些数字在手,我们便不难倒果为因、萌发干预之念,蓄意制定出一些直接左右经济运作的措施。」


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