
中书国画 2024-08-01 14:24:13



Wang Ziw, born in the winter month of the Year of the Rat, hails from Xi'an, Shaanxi. He is a contemporary figure painter and a representative of the Chang'an painting school.He is a legend in the calligraphy and painting world, a pinnacle in the art world. Devoted his life to Chinese painting and calligraphy, vowing to "paint extraordinary paintings until death." He is the renowned Chinese painter Wang Ziw.

With the founding of New China, the artistic achievements of masters like Jiang Zhaohe and Fang Zengxian had a profound impact, leading to the flourishing of realistic ink figure painting. By the sixties and seventies, Wang Ziw emerged as a prominent representative, achieving remarkable artistic success. In today’s diverse artistic context, studying his art holds both historical and contemporary significance.





Throughout his decades-long career, Wang Ziw's figure sketches held a significant place. Graduating from Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in the Year of the Rabbit, the intense regional customs and rich history of the Northwest nurtured his handsome and composed demeanor. His sensitivity and exceptional artistic perception rendered his works delicate, intense, and emotionally pure, captivating viewers. His depictions of children, students, workers, farmers, scholars, and literati are vivid and lifelike, as if the subjects were present. Such lifelike portrayal requires genuine emotional connection and empathy between the artist and the subject, manifesting through continuous interaction and reflection on canvas.

As Wang Ziw said, "To paint figures well, one must first have a strong affection and desire to express for the subject; only then will the brushwork contain emotion and meaning." The content, a blend of emotion and intention, allows the artist to convey the character, spirit, and mood of the figures. Wang Ziw carefully observed and experienced the psychology of his subjects, using precise brushwork and dynamic lines to create lifelike, simple, and pure images. Each sketch subject became aic, making ordinary figures vividly come alive on paper, profoundly moving viewers.

Indeed, Wang Ziw's extraordinary talent and noble character are inseparable from his innate artistic gift and serene mindset. For decades, he steadfastly upheld the responsibilities and duties of a Chinese artist. Living humbly, he devoted himself to his craft, isolating himself from distractions, and maintaining his artistic passion and sincerity. As he inscribed in his self-portrait, "Struggling in vain, ashamed of my inability, wasting sustenance with silent cries. Painting extraordinary works until death, this life shall not be in vain."

This artistic dedication allowed his works to silently radiate brilliance through diligent effort, astonishing the world once unveiled. Such steadfast adherence is the inherent determination of an artist and scholar, needing no external prompting or societal validation, arising from a deep love and fervent "obsession." This very passion and obsession allow us to witness Wang Ziw's unwavering commitment to traditional culture.





Amidst the flourishing diversity of the Chinese art world, Wang Ziw continued on his clear path, naturally preserving the essence of traditional culture. His works remained pure, natural, and clear, with unceasing exploration.

For Wang Ziw, a steadfast attitude, maintaining tranquility, enduring solitude, and leading a simple life were all part of his daily routine and his joy in life and art. His daughter Wang Xiaoyan stated, "Father dedicated his life to painting, immersing himself in art. He loved to observe, spoke little, and often wandered in his artistic world..." Thus, it is evident that Wang Ziw silently observed and deeply understood the vibrant society, expressing his inner feelings through his paintings, pouring his passion and sincerity into his brushwork, attaining spiritual insight and life understanding in the realm of ink and color.

Examining Wang Ziw's sketches, many were created in the sixties and seventies, a unique period for Chinese ink figure painting. During this time, societal changes were immense, and artistic passion was at its peak. Lin Fengmian, Xu Beihong, and others introduced European-style sketching, followed by the introduction of Soviet-style sketching, both dominating traditional Chinese painting courses. Sketching teaching reforms brought new opportunities for ink painting.







Wang Ziw devoted himself to refining his art, humbly studying ancient techniques, researching traditions, and learning from predecessors. The works of Jiang Zhaohe particularly influenced him. Wang Ziw said, "I studied Jiang's works extensively, often painting landscapes, flowers, birds, and practicing calligraphy, integrating these into figure painting. Qi Baishi, Huang Binhong, Pan Tianshou, Li Keran, and others exhibited stable, composed lines, solid and dignified, calm, resilient, and rich in charm, worthy of learning." Inspired by predecessors, Wang Ziw delved into society, exploring sketching, vividly depicting laborers, farmers, fishermen, youth, scholars, children, and the elderly, each figure eternally lively under his brush.

Wang Ziw's works consistently embody the spirit of xieyi (freehand brushwork), showcasing exquisite modeling and the strengths of academic sketching, yet not confined to objective representation. His brushwork retains the traditional beauty of xieyi and aesthetic imagery. When shaping figures, he skillfully captures facial features, carefully depicting them, emphasizing both detailed accuracy and liveliness, ensuring harmony among details and an exceptional overall sense.

In depicting subjects, he balances exaggerated imagery with natural harmony, rendering figures vividly lifelike, with character strikingly clear, leaving scarcely any sketch marks. In the new era of figure painting's transformative exploration, Wang Ziw stands at the forefront. His Western sketching skills seamlessly integrate with Chinese painting, greatly enhancing its expressive power. His sketch figures, debuting in the eighties, immediately shook the art world.




Though familiar with his paintings, few know the man. Wang Ziw ignored the art world's clamor and external disturbances, living a simple life, dedicating himself to art. Despite his works fetching high prices at auctions, he remained indifferent, truly embodying "unmoved by fame or disgrace, watching flowers bloom and fall, coming and going as clouds roll by." In the Year of the Ox, Wang Ziw passed away.


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