
中书国画 2024-07-10 17:50:06


Nanjing's He Zhenyu, a medical doctor, is renowned for his superb calligraphy skills and unique philosophy, challenging common perceptions. At seven, he began learning calligraphy under his grandfather's guidance, starting with regular script, particularly cherishing Yan Zhenqing's "Duo Bao Ta Bei," which laid a solid foundation. Later, under the guidance of renowned masters, his skills significantly improved. Despite his busy schedule, he always found time to practice, producing work that combines ancient techniques with fresh creativity, delighting the eye.



He Zhenyu excels particularly in running script, which he executes with ease and freedom, combining the wild vigor of Mi Fu with the elegant grace of Wang Xizhi. His strokes are well-placed, neither competing nor overshadowing, embodying Wang Xizhi's aesthetic beauty. Each character is meticulously crafted, reflecting the precision and meticulousness of his medical profession.

He Zhenyu's pursuit of calligraphy is marked by dedication and depth, evident in both form and substance. His skills are refined, his spirit profound, possessing a discerning eye that transcends common trends, with broad insights and deep reflections.


He Zhenyu has read extensively and traveled widely, endowing his calligraphy with grandeur. Experts admire his composition, while laymen appreciate the precision of his strokes. Truly moving calligraphy transcends technical skill, resonating on a spiritual level. In recent years, his calligraphy practice can be summarized by the words "seeking" and "acting." He explores an artistic language that aligns with his spiritual temperament. Chinese calligraphy inherently contains the qualities and interests of a literatus; the work requires both artistic skill and scholarly thought, providing endless reflection. He Zhenyu's work, infused with an ethereal spirit and free disposition, offers spiritual solace, finding wonder in simplicity and aligning with the philosophies of Laozi and Zhuangzi, dwelling in a realm of vast, serene tranquility.


He Zhenyu integrates and transcends styles, adhering to high standards while not being confined by conventions. His calligraphy isically elegant, his brushwork graceful, his lines fluid, vigorous, and unrestrained. His characters are meticulously structured, with balanced density, their strokes as agile as a dragon in flight, exuding outstanding elegance. Between his strokes lies profound cultural depth and humanistic sentiment. He Zhenyu often says, "The way of calligraphy lies in a calm mind and a steady spirit; the brush follows the heart, and the ink follows the brush. In calligraphy creation, aligning with one's intentions is paramount. Structure and strokes should flow naturally, with a style that is strong yet subtle, expansive yet graceful, with a refined elegance like flowing clouds and water. This is the realm I pursue." Each time he wields the brush, he achieves a state of unity between self and action, attaining a marvelous harmony. He Zhenyu's calligraphy, like poetry and painting, reveals his innermost emotions and thoughts, captivating and enchanting the viewer.



In his calligraphy creation, He Zhenyu relies on diligence and effort, especially under the guidance of mentors Wu Zhenli and Huang Dunjing, blending inheritance with innovation. He comprehends the techniques of ancient inscriptions and rubbings, making his works meticulous in detail and complete in essence, initially displaying a free and graceful, deeply artistic style. A single line's turn reflects an unyielding spirit, with the essence of calligraphy residing in mental clarity and uncorrupted integrity, coupled with clear empathy.

His calligraphy resembles Fu Qingzhu's waves crashing against the shore, rocks falling from high mountains, with brushstrokes like countless hills and valleys, moving mountains and seas, yet suddenly gathering and restraining, dissipating into invisibility. This reflects the compassionate heart of a doctor, embodying the principle of "Do not impose on others what you do not desire yourself," deeply rooted in his calligraphy. He Zhenyu's scale and grandeur capture Fu Qingzhu's spirit, perhaps fundamentally derived from the benevolence of a physician, which remains to be seen.


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