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徐祥笑,原名徐笑,男,汉族 ,1976 年  11 月出生,广西桂平  人,高中毕业,十二岁起在桂平市文化馆美术学习班学习素描、水粉、 油画等基础训练。经过多年的刻苦专研,并得到收藏家、书画鉴定家  黎展华老师的精心指教 ,为此起了“天一竹"的斋名 ,激发我艺术潜   能,做最好的自己,寄托能成为画坛上一枝独特的长青竹。现为广西  桂平市美术家协会会员;央广文旅国际合作发展中心副理事长;中国  书画名家网中国一级书画家、签约书画名家、荣誉理事终身;中国国  画院一级美术师;中国文人美术家协会理事;中国文人书法家协会理  事;中国书画研究院艺术委员会委员;中国水墨莲花书画艺术网会员; 北京华夏博学国际文化交流中心会员;北京世纪百家国际文化发展中  心研究员;中国书法美术研究院髙级书画师;世界非物质文化遗产研  究院院士;香港中国书法家协会理事;亚洲国际青年电影节评审团主  席; 中国东方文化研究会艺术专业人才数据库等。

个人简历入编《中国时代文艺家名典》、《当代中国文艺家大辞典》、 《中国书画家大典》、《中国诗文书画家人物大典》等。被授予的荣誉   称号有:“美术百杰”、“中国书法美术百杰”、“中国百杰美术家”、 “百名‘画圣奖’艺术家”、“中国优秀艺术家”、“中华书画艺术   名家”、“中华人文书画艺术名家”、“中华爱国知名艺术家”、“中   华善文化传播杰出书画家”、“中华红色书画名家”、“中国红色书   画艺术家”、“ 中国杰出红色艺术家”、“ 中国国礼(陶瓷)书法艺术   家”、“国际书画名人”、“博鳌亚洲书画名家”、“ 中国书画行业模范艺术家”、“中国梦全国书画大展金梦奖”、“当代艺坛风云人  物”、“非凡十年•触动中国艺术名家”、“中华文化全球推广大使” 等。

国画和书法作品在全国、国际多种书画大赛大展中多次获奖,其  中有特等奖、金奖、银奖、铜奖、佳作奖、最佳创作奖、提名奖、人  选奖、美术人展奖、创作奖、金笔奖、一等奖、二等奖、三等奖。作  品入编《中国书画名家经典》、《中国时代文艺家代表作年选》(2012  年卷)、《春风颂•全国书画名家作品选集》、《井冈山上太阳红•中国书  画名家作品选集》、《日出东方“毛泽东诗词”全国中老年书画名家作  品典藏》、《红日•纪念毛泽东诞辰  120 周年“毛泽东诗词”书画作   品选集》、《画圣故里中国书画‘画圣奖’大展精品大典》、《中华颂•  全国文学艺术精品集》、《炎黄杯•诗书画印艺术精品集》、《东方美•全  国诗联书画作品集》、《祖国好•华语文学艺术精品典藏》、《时代颂歌•  全国诗文书画精品大观》、《小平•您好——中国书法名家作品选集》、 《华夏情•全国诗文书画精品集》、《羲之杯•全国诗书画家精品集》、  《神州书画雅集》、《纪念任伯年首届中国书画大展作品集》、《天砚山杯全国书画大 赛作品合集》、《中国书画名家名作收藏大典》等。代表作有:《万山 红遍层林尽染》《绿色家园》《老屋画节奏万龙聚一家》《江山永远如 此多娇》《井冈山》。作品入编 2014 年 3 种挂历和  1  种台历。作  品润格由中国文化品牌研究发展中心评定: 书法 8000 元/平尺 , 国画作品  10000 元/平尺。文化观点:打破画派的界限、超越传统与现代的界限、东方与西方的界限,一切美的、新形式的东西都要努 力去创造、去发明。文化专长:可以用各种笔法、技法结合产生多种 不同形式、风格的国画 ,也可将绘画的笔法运用到书法上。

Introduction to Xu Xiangxiao

Xu Xiangxiao, formerly known as Xu Xiao, male, Han nationality, born in November 1976, from Guiping, Guangxi. He graduated from high school and started learning basic training in sketching, watercolor, oil painting, etc. at the age of twelve in the art learning of Guiping Cultural Museum. After years of diligent research and careful guidance from collector and calligraphy appraiser Li Zhanhua, I have adopted the name "Tianyi Bamboo" to inspire my artistic potential, be the best version of myself, and aspire to become a unique evergreen bamboo in the art world. Currently, I am a member of the Guiping Artists Association in Guangxi, Vice Chairman of the Central Guangzhou Cultural and Tourism International Cooperation Development Center, a first-class calligrapher and painter, contracted calligrapher and painter, and honorary director of the China Calligraphers and Painters Network, a first-class artist of the China National Painting Academy, a director of the China Artists Association, a director of the China Calligraphers Association, a member of the Art Committee of the China Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, a member of the China Ink Lotus Painting and Calligraphy Art Network, a member of the Beijing Huaxia International Cultural Exchange Center, and a lifelong honorary director of the Beijing Century Hundred International Cultural Exchange Center. Researcher at the Cultural Development Center; Senior Calligrapher and Painter at the Chinese Academy of Calligraphy and Fine Arts; Academician of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Institute; Director of the Hong Kong Chinese Calligraphers Association; Chairman of the Jury of the Asian International Youth Film Festival; China Oriental Culture Research Association Art Professional Talent Database, etc.

My personal resume has been included in the "Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese Literature and Art Masters", "Dictionary of Chinese Calligraphers and Painters", "Dictionary of Chinese Poetry and Calligraphy Masters and Painters", etc. The honorary titles awarded include: "Top 100 Artists in Fine Arts", "Top 100 Calligraphers in China", "Top 100 Artists in China", "Top 100 Artists of the 'Painting Saint Award'", "Excellent Chinese Artist", "Famous Chinese Calligrapher and Painter", "Famous Chinese Humanistic Calligrapher and Painter", "Famous Chinese Patriotic Artist", "Outstanding Chinese Calligrapher and Painter for Promoting Good Culture", "Famous Chinese Red Calligrapher and Painter", "Outstanding Chinese Red Calligrapher and Painter", "Chinese National Gift (Ceramic) Calligrapher", "International Calligrapher and Painter", "Boao Asian Calligrapher and Painter", "Chinese Calligrapher and Painter Industry

Model Artist "," Golden Dream Award at the National Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition of the Chinese Dream "," Contemporary Art Figure "," Extraordinary Decade • Touching Chinese Art Masters "," Global Ambassador for the Promotion of Chinese Culture ", etc.

Chinese painting and calligraphy works have won numerous awards in various national and international calligraphy and painting competitions, including special prize, gold award, silver award, bronze award, excellent work award, best creation award, nomination award, candidate award, artist exhibition award, creation award, golden pen award, first prize, second prize, and third prize. Works included in the compilation of "Classics of Chinese Calligraphers and Painters", "Annual Selection of Representative Works of Chinese Era Literature and Art Masters" (2012 volume), "Ode to Spring Breeze • Selected Works of National Calligraphers and Painters", "Red Sun on Jinggangshan • Selected Works of Chinese Calligraphers and Painters"










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