
范林宁课程 2024-04-12 22:15:12
colony /ˈkɒləni/ noun 【不规则形式】 pl. -ies 1 [C] 殖民地 a country or an area that is governed by people from another, more powerful, country former British colonies 前英国殖民地 2 [sing. + sing./pl. v.] 殖民地定居者群体 a group of people who go to live permanently in a colony 3 [C + sing./pl. v.] (来自同一地方,职业或兴趣相同的)聚居人群 a group of people from the same place or with the same work or interests who live in a particular city or country or who live together the American colony in Paris 聚居巴黎的美国侨民 an artists' colony 聚居的艺术家 4 [C + sing./pl. v.] (biology 生) (同地生长的植物或动物)群,群体,集落 a group of plants or animals that live together or grow in the same place a colony of ants 蚁群 a bird colony 鸟群 点点关注,谢谢喵~
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