
湖边时光课程 2024-09-23 14:40:45

【每日一词】heinous - /ˈheɪnəs/ Adj. hatefully or shockingly evil : abominable adj. 可憎的;极凶恶的



a heinous crime: 极可耻

Heinous crime: 必犯滔天大罪;滔天大罪;

heinous crimes: 滔天罪行;下的滔天罪行

Really Heinous Crimes Unit: 令人发指的犯罪案件调查组

You this heinous guy: 你这可恶的家伙

heinous one day: 可恶的一天

five heinous crimes: 五逆

you're heinous: 你太可恶了

heinous s act: 可憎行为

a heinous crime:十恶不赦的罪犯

a battery of heinous crimes:一连串令人发指的罪行

seven heinous crimes :七逆罪

A heinous cats : 一个凶残的猫

Recent Examples on the Web

1 Farrell had some disarmingly funny moments in The Batman that continue here, such as Oz proudly pointing out his car’s air freshener or complaining about too few pickles on his sandwich in the middle of committing a heinous crime. —Eric Goldman, TVLine, 12 Sep. 2024

2 The trials the wannabe mom and dad go through range from annoying and sleep-depriving to downright heinous, and Vikander channels her inner kid in inspired ways, acting bratty, throwing her food and melting down constantly. —Brian Truitt, USA TODAY, 10 Sep. 2024

3 Yet comment after comment under the video features viewers expressing shock, outrage and disgust over the heinous nature of this bogus crime. —Elizabeth Hernandez, The Denver Post, 27 Aug. 2024

4 In the nearly two decades since his conviction in the heinous double murder of his wife, Laci, and their unborn son Conner, Scott Peterson has remained tight-lipped about the case. —Johnny Dodd, Peoplemag, 13 Aug. 2024


1 They are capable of the most heinous acts. 他们能做出令人发指的事情来。

2 Fabricating data is a heinous scientific sin. 捏造数据是十恶不赦的科学之罪。

3 One of the most heinous aspects of South Sudan's civil war is the forced conscription of child soldiers 南苏丹内战最恶劣的一个方面就是强迫征用童兵。

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