
时代楷模 2021-12-31 15:19:48


王子锦,画家,雕塑家,中国工艺美术学会会员、工艺美术大师、现任邯郸学院客座教授、河北省书画艺术研究院艺术顾问、兰陵王画院院长。1952年出生河北磁县王家庄。1970年磁县”五七农场”跟随吴作人、李可染、李桦、彦涵、邵晶坤等老师学画。        2021年建党一百周年,中国美术家协会,中国书法家协会,中国人民书画研究院,中国文化艺术人才管理中心评为"人民艺术家″称号。       发表文章:《浅谈国画山水构图与笔墨》,《解释山水绘宗十二忌》。

Personal profile:

Wang Zijin, painter, sculptor, member of China Arts and Crafts Association, master of arts and crafts, current visiting professor of Handan College, art consultant of Hebei Academy of Painting and Calligraphy,Dean of Lanling King Painting Academy.Born in Wangjiazhuang, Ci County, Hebei Province in 1952. In 1970, the "Five Seven Farm" in Ci County studied painting with teachers such as Wu Zuoren, Li Keran, Li Hua, Yan Han, and Shao Jingkun.In 2021, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, the Chinese Artists Association, the Chinese Calligraphers Association, the Chinese People's Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, and the Chinese Culture and Art Talent Management Center awarded the title of "People's Artist".Published articles: "A Brief Talk on the Composition and Brushwork of Traditional Chinese Paintings", "Explaining the Twelve Taboos of Landscape Painting Zong".


Social activity:Hundred Years College Qianqiuye, Yangmeifeng and April sky. Five generations gather in Beijing, inheriting the tradition of painting from generation to generation.In 2016, I was invited by Shao Jingkun's mentor to attend the opening ceremony of Dong Xiwen, Wu Guanzhong and Shao Jingkun's "Road to the Peak of Three".In March 2018, the Centennial Anniversary of CAFA is approaching. At the invitation of the Propaganda Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, I participated in the Centennial Anniversary on behalf of the villagers and students of "Dongchen" in Cixian County. I went to Beijing to visit Mr. Xiao Hui, Wu Zuoren’s daughter, and took a letter written by Hou Yimin to the Hebei Provincial Party Committee, reporting on the contributions of more than 120 old professors from the Central Academy of Fine Arts represented by Wu Zuoren to Ci County. And some of their unforgettable deeds and posthumous works in Ci County. Planning to build the "Dong Chen" Memory Hall of the Professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Ci County.On April 1st, I attended the Centennial Anniversary of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. I met Huang Yongyu, Liu Huanzhang, Jiang Caiping, Su Gaoli and other teachers who had been away for 49 years in Dongchen’s "May 7th Farm" in 1970; and visited Hou Yimin, Shao Jingkun, and others at home. More than a dozen professors and tutors including Liu Huanzhang, Peng Hongyuan, Tang Chi, Li Song, and Mao Fengde.


Artistic life:In 1973, he created a poster and slide show at the Cixian Cinema.Established Matou Drama Clothing Factory in 1978, (an instructor of costume and embroidery design and production)In 1980, the Ministry of Young Industry allocated funds to establish the Cixian Arts and Crafts Factory (as the director). The creation of "Cizhou Water Stone Bonsai" and the simulation of root carving pottery, won the title of Provincial Arts and Crafts Excellent Design Worker, and the work "Lijiang Sailing Shadow" won the China Light Industry The Hundred Flowers Award and the Designer Award were 2,000 yuan, and the products were once sold at home and abroad. "People's Daily", "Guangming Daily" and "China Youth Daily" have reported many times.In 1985, he was hired and transferred to Hebei Sculpture Company as chief engineer.In 1986, Hebei Province Special Art Engineering Sculpture General Factory was established. (Chief Engineer and Technical Factory Manager) works won the "Second Prize of Excellent Tourism Product Design Award and Tianma Silver Cup Award" by the Ministry of Light Industry, the Ministry of Commerce, and the National Tourism Administration.1987 Sculpture: Cixian city standard (white marble) "Lotus Fairy" won the Provincial Urban Sculpture Excellence Award. In 1992, held the original "Secret History of Qing Palace" large-scale sculpture art exhibition in Chengde Mountain Resort, (showing imitation wax figures of Qing history figures and palace cultural relics, restoration and reproduction of pictures)The exhibition "The Secret History of the Qing Palace in Mountain Resort" was highly praised by the Chinese Qing historian and royal descendant Pu Jie and took a group photo.In 1997, he designed and established the Shuangtashan Scenic Resort in Chengde City (the chairman at the time), covering an area of more than 2,000 acres. It has a mountain gate, a 100-meter corridor, Sanxian Temple, and cliff stone carvings. The statue of the Reclining Buddha of Kamoni was highly praised by Lin Jiamei, the wife of former President Li Xiannian, and Mao Xinyu, the great grandson of Mao Zedong. (Group photo)In 2001, he created [Chengde Liaoqing History Museum] more than 300 sculpture art works of imitation wax figures: "Kangxi Northern Tour", "Qianlong's Reception of the Sixth Panchen Lama", "Xianfeng Tuogu Two Palaces Hanging Curtain", "Xianfeng Emperor's Coffin, Transported Back to Beijing" and "People" Five exhibition halls including "Ghost Love Is Not Over" and Liao Dynasty Cultural Relics.In 2002, the second episode of "The Love between Sculptor Wang Zijin and Shuangtashan" was interviewed and reported by Chengde TV station and video [Youku].Reproduced the cultural relics of the Liao Tomb: the funeral ornaments of the Queen Mother Xiao's granddaughter Yiyi Yelu's Princess Chen Guo and the dry corpse of Ma Ma. [Liaoqing History Museum] was highly praised by Jiang Chunyun, former vice chairman of the National People's Congress, and Niu Maosheng, governor of Hebei Province. The introduction of funds allocated by the country to repair the tourist road in the Shuangluan Scenic Area has promoted the full utilization of the mountainous areas on both sides of the road and promoted the economic development of Shuangluan District in Chengde. He was nominated as a member of the CPPCC Shuangluan District in Chengde City.In 2003, a special exhibition for the 300th anniversary of the establishment of the Mountain Resort, the imitation wax figure "Xianfeng Tuogu" was exhibited in the "National History Museum" in Beijing, and various TV stations, newspapers and other media made special reports.On April 18, 2020, the invited Chinese painting "Sky Road" was exhibited at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Japan.In October 2020, the large-scale sculpture exhibition of the Red Camel Museum in Tianbao Village, Ci County, was completed.














































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