虚诗系列之一 2023-2024 陶瓷综合材料 50×50cm
Nothingness and existence, illusion and reality, dreams and reality, trauma and healing, people are always looking for their own space of existence.
虚诗系列之二 2023-2024 陶瓷综合材料50×50cm
虚诗系列之三 2023-2024 陶瓷综合材料50×50cm
曾几何时,幻境中的理想空间被现实无情击碎。人们尝试用心理暗示来修复这个破碎的理想,慢慢地,慢慢地,接受了破碎的实景,接受了不完美的现实和不完美的自己。Once upon a time, the ideal space in the fantasy was mercilessly shattered by reality. People try to repair this broken ideal with psychological suggestions. Slowly, slowly, they accept the broken reality, accept the imperfect reality and the imperfect self.
虚诗系列之四 2023-2024 陶瓷综合材料50×50cm
虚诗系列之五 2023-2024 陶瓷综合材料50×50cm
虚诗系列之六 2023-2024 陶瓷综合材料50×50cm
我想每个人心目中都有一个理想之境,它可以是陶渊明笔下的桃花源,也可以是柏拉图的理想国。无论是东方还是西方,人们总是在寻找自己的理想之境。I think everyone has an ideal place in mind, which can be the Peach Blossom Spring described by Tao Yuanming, or Plato’s Republic. Whether it is the East or the West, people are always looking for their own ideal place.
虚诗之二十六 2023-2024 陶瓷综合材料50×50cm
虚诗之三 2023-2024 陶瓷综合材料50×50cm
虚诗之十七 2023-2024 陶瓷综合材料50×50cm
东方哲学讲顿悟,西方哲学讲推理。东方务虚,西方务实。我尝试用一种东西方共生的材料语言进行叙述、诠释这种差异与共性,我选择了中国传统陶瓷烧制方法进行绘画主体部分创作,瓷画延展到油画布上,画面由实变虚,由不可控到可控。Eastern philosophy talks about enlightenment, Western philosophy talks about reasoning. The East is virtual, the West is practical. I try to use a symbiotic material language of the East and the West to narrate and interpret this difference and commonality. I chose the traditional Chinese ceramic firing method for the main part of the painting creation, and the porcelain painting extends to the oil canvas. The picture changes from solid to virtual, from uncontrollable to controllable.
修辞系列之一 2023-2024 陶瓷综合材料 80x80cm
修辞系列之二 2023-2024 陶瓷综合材料 80x80cm
The real scene part of the porcelain painting is completed by the uncontrollable high-temperature kiln firing. Fire and glaze have a strong melting reaction in the kiln, affected by factors such as temperature, humidity, atmosphere, time, and placement position, which is like a gambling game. The final firing is like an oil painting effect.
修辞系列之三 2023-2024 陶瓷综合材料 80x80cm
修辞系列之四 2023-2024 陶瓷综合材料 80x80cm
虚景的绘画部分是由粗麻布和丙烯完成。表现手法上借鉴西方坦培拉式的间接画法,一遍又一遍罩染完成。这种可控的一遍遍渗透下去的色彩,更朦胧虚幻,达到一种东方水墨画意境风格。The virtual scene painting part is completed by coarse linen cloth and acrylic. In terms of expression, it draws on the Western tempera indirect painting method, dyed again and again. This controllable color that seeps down again and again is more hazy and illusory, achieving an oriental ink painting artistic conception style.
修辞之十三 2023-2024 陶瓷综合材料Rhetoric No.13 80x80cm
修辞之八 2023-2024 陶瓷综合材料 80x80cm
The zipper at the connection becomes a symbolic symbol of repair. The zipper-style suture wound in medical surgery has left a deep impression on my mind, and I like to use zippers to repair all disharmonious objects.
花塑 2023-2024 装置 尺寸可变
In some cracked porcelain paintings, I use the method of hemp rope weaving, which adds a bit of temperature and elasticity to the hard and cold porcelain surface with this feminine repair method.
锥问 2023-2024 装置 尺寸可变
People are constantly looking for and discovering the meaning of life in growth, constantly repairing and healing their ideal space. All nothingness is existence, all existence is reasonable, people are tenaciously living in the no man’s land between the virtual and the real.
张燕妮2012 毕业于中央美术学院油画系,获硕士学位现居北京,职业艺术家,中国美术家协会会员主要展览2024“发展绘画以免落后生活2024”,798作者画廊,北京,中国2024“张燕妮个展:虚诗亦象”,798国际艺术交流中心,北京,中国2023“我是我自己”张燕妮个展,凹凸当代艺术空间,北京,中国 2023“神游——历史时空中的数字艺术”,湖南博物院 ,长沙,中国2016“华夏文明之光——中国艺术大展”,圣彼得堡涅什中央展览大厅,圣彼得堡,俄罗斯2016 中国美术馆首届青年美术家收藏展,中国美术馆,北京,中国2012“学院之星”全国高等美术院校油画专业研究生优秀作品展,中国美术学院美术馆,杭州,中国2012“千里之行”中央美术学院优秀毕业作品展,中央美术学院美术馆,北京,中国2011 第四届全国青年美术作品展,中国美术馆,北京,中国 2009 第十一届全国美展优秀作品展,中国美术馆,北京,中国
Zhang Yanni
2012 Graduated from the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts with a master’s degree
Currently resides in Beijing, a professional artist, a member of the China Artists Association.
Major Exhibitions
2024"Develop Painting to Avoid Lagging Behind Life 2024", 798 Author Gallery, Beijing, China
2024"Zhang Yanni:Illusion vs Reality"Solo Exhibition, 798 International Art Exchange Center, Beijing, China
2023"I Am Myself"Solo Exhibition, Aotu Contemporary Art Space, Beijing, China
2023"Divine Tour - Digital Art in Historical Space"Exhibition, Hunan Museum, Changsha, China
2016"The Light of Chinese Civilization - Chinese Art Exhibition", Central Exhibition Hall of Russian Saint
Petersburg NESH, Saint Petersburg, Russia
2016 The First Youth Artists Collection Exhibition of the National Art Museum of China, National Art
Museum of China, Beijing, China
2012"Academy Star" National Higher Art Colleges Oil Painting Major Graduate Excellent Works
Exhibition, Art Museum of China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China
2012"A Thousand Miles Journey"Central Academy of Fine Arts Excellent Graduation Works Exhibition, Art
Museum of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China
2011 The Fourth National Youth Art Exhibition of China, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China
2009 The 11th National Art Exhibition of China Excellent Works Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China