
艺术视界 2024-09-12 15:33:24

Wu Haizhou, from Huangmei, Hubei. The former division level cadre of the General Staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, senior military rank, and military landscape painter. Current Vice Chairman of the National Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee, Director of the China Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, National First Class Artist, Chief Art Advisor of the Great Hall of the People, Special Art Advisor of CCTV's "Art Masters", Signed Artist of the People's Fine Arts Publishing House, Research Fellow of Chinese Painting Art at the China Oriental Culture Research Association, Academic Advisor and Invited Artist of the National Digital TV Channel "Collecting the World", Member of the Celebrity Calligraphy and Painting Art Development Committee of the Chinese Society of Popular Culture, Vice Chairman of the CCTV "Decision China" Expert Think Tank Alliance, and Visiting Professor at the Confucius Art Museum. Vice President of "Chinese Calligraphers and Painters" Magazine. He has served as the Executive Vice President of the China Great Wall Painting Academy, Vice President of the China Three Gorges Painting Academy, and Visiting Professor of the Art Department at Shijiazhuang University of Economics.

Both CCTV Comprehensive Channel and Beijing Television have made special introductions and reports on it. Dozens of newspapers and magazines, including People's Daily, PLA Daily, Beijing Evening News, Beijing Morning Post, Art, and Art Expo, have also reported on it.

Published a collection of "Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy: Wu Haizhou". Chinese painting works have been collected by institutions such as CCTV, Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, Central Party School, Great Hall of the People, Mao Zedong Memorial Hall, and Military Museum.



书画艺术不仅是一种审美体验,更是一种文化传承。在这次展览中,我们不仅可以看到艺术家们的精湛技艺,还可以感受到他们对传统文化的深刻理解和创新发展的探索精神。通过这些作品,我们看到了一个古老而又充满活力的中国,看到了一代又一代中国人不懈追求梦想的身影。 在建国七十五周年之际,这场线上书画作品展不仅是对过去辉煌成就的回顾,更是对未来美好前景的展望。它激励着我们在新的征程上,继续发扬艰苦奋斗、勇于创新的精神,为实现中华民族伟大复兴贡献自己的力量。

在历史的长河中,七十五年不过是弹指一挥间,但对于一个国家来说,却是风雨兼程、砥砺前行的光辉岁月。为迎接中华人民共和国成立七十五周年,歌颂党和祖国的伟大成就,展现全国各族人民凝聚新力量、筑梦新时代的奋进精神,“文艺新声”专题特举办以“翰墨颂祖国,筑梦新时代”为主题的线上书画作品展。 书画作为中华民族传统文化的瑰宝,承载了千百年来无数艺术家的心血与智慧。每一幅书画作品,都是一段历史的记忆,一种文化的传承,一份情感的寄托。在这次展览中,我们将看到全国各地的书画爱好者用他们的笔墨丹青,描绘出对祖国的深情厚谊和对未来的美好期许。

“翰墨颂祖国,筑梦新时代”线上书画作品展,是一场视觉与心灵的盛宴。它让我们在欣赏精美艺术品的同时,也深刻体会到祖国的繁荣昌盛和人民的幸福生活来之不易。让我们怀着感恩之心,珍惜当下,共同谱写新时代的华丽篇章。 愿这次展览能带给每一位观众美的享受和精神的洗礼,也希望更多的书画爱好者加入到我们的行列中来,用你们的才华和热情,为祖国的美好未来增添一抹亮丽的色彩。

To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, sing praises to the great achievements of the Party and the motherland, and demonstrate the spirit of the people of all ethnic groups in the country to unite new forces and build a new era of dreams, an online exhibition of calligraphy and painting works with the theme of "Ode to the Motherland with Calligraphy and Ink, Building a New Era of Dreams" will be held under the theme of "New Voice of Literature and Art".

Calligraphy and painting, as treasures of traditional Chinese culture, carry the deep affection and wisdom of Chinese people for thousands of years, showcasing the cultural heritage and artistic charm of the country. Calligraphy conveys the cultural heritage with dignified and elegant brushstrokes, while painting outlines people's inner passion and emotions with rich and colorful colors. This exhibition will showcase the masterpieces of more than 60 teachers, covering traditional Chinese painting (characters, landscapes, flowers and birds, etc.), calligraphy, oil painting, intangible cultural heritage, and other types. The works will be painted in red and green, with the fragrance of calligraphy and ink. Each work carries the artists' love for the motherland and their yearning for a better life. With pen and ink, it outlines a historical picture of the people of the country who have been together for 75 years, moving forward hand in hand to create a new era.

Calligraphy and painting art is not only an aesthetic experience, but also a cultural heritage. In this exhibition, we can not only see the exquisite skills of the artists, but also feel their profound understanding of traditional culture and exploratory spirit of innovative development. Through these works, we can see an ancient and energetic China, and see the figure of generations of Chinese people unremittingly pursuing their dreams. On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, this online exhibition of calligraphy and painting works is not only a review of past glorious achievements, but also a prospect for a bright future. It inspires us to continue to carry forward the spirit of hard work and innovation in the new journey, and contribute our own strength to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

In the long river of history, seventy-five years is just a blink of an eye, but for a country, it is a glorious time of wind and rain, forging ahead. To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, sing praises to the great achievements of the Party and the motherland, and demonstrate the spirit of the people of all ethnic groups in the country to unite new forces and build a new era of dreams, the "New Voice of Literature and Art" special theme is holding an online calligraphy and painting exhibition with the theme of "Ode to the Motherland with Calligraphy and Ink, Building a New Era of Dreams". Calligraphy and painting, as treasures of traditional Chinese culture, carry the hard work and wisdom of countless artists for thousands of years. Every painting and calligraphy work is a memory of history, a cultural inheritance, and an emotional attachment. In this exhibition, we will see calligraphy and painting enthusiasts from all over the country using their brush and ink to depict their deep affection for the motherland and their beautiful expectations for the future.

The online exhibition of calligraphy and painting works titled 'Ode to the Motherland with Calligraphy and Ink, Building Dreams for a New Era' is a visual and spiritual feast. It allows us to appreciate exquisite artworks while also deeply realizing the hard won prosperity of our motherland and the happy life of the people. Let us cherish the present with a grateful heart, and together write a magnificent chapter of the new era. May this exhibition bring beauty and spiritual baptism to every audience, and we also hope that more calligraphy and painting enthusiasts will join us, using your talents and enthusiasm to add a bright color to the beautiful future of our country.

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