
英语老师胡灿奎 2024-08-06 18:38:04

Hi, 我是kwekwe方法英语的创始人胡灿奎,你也可以叫我kwekwe。我们已经学习了30个小时左右的小学语法,30个小时左右的初中语法,还有20个小时左右的高中语法。至此,在整个英语生涯中,我们的语法基本上全部学完了。也就是说即使你以后考研考博,英语语法差不多也就是这些了,没有什么新的知识点了。由于很多大学好的专业都是全英文授课,很多专业在高考招生时,要求英语学科必须在120-145分以上。因此我将陪同大家,在全英文模式下,把小初高的语法重新再学一遍。今天我们要学习的内容是什么是形容词What Are Adjectives?

1. What Are Adjectives?

Adjectives are words that describe nouns or pronouns. In other words, they describe people, places, or things. (In schools, adjectives are often introduced as "describing words.")

2.Examples of Adjectives

"Old," "green," and "cheerful" are examples of adjectives. In these examples, the adjectives are highlighted, and the nouns are in bold.

· oldman

· greenfield

· cheerfulparrot

Here are some adjectives in sentences:

· John is atallboy.

· New York is abusycity.

· This is atastyapple.

The words being described arenouns. Be aware that grammarians like to say that the adjectives are "modifying" the nouns,Rather than"describing" them.

Adjectives can also describepronouns. In these examples, the pronouns are in bold:




When adjectives modify (i.e., describe) pronouns, the adjectives usually come after the pronouns, but not always.

· abeautifulone.

We will cover the positioning of adjectives later in the lesson.

3.In the End, Adjectives Always Modify Nouns

When an adjective modifies a pronoun, it is actually modifying a noun. Remember that a pronoun is a word that replaces a noun. For example:

·  John is a brilliantcomedian.Heis funny.

In this example, the first adjective ("brilliant") modifies the noun "comedian," and the second ("funny") modifies the pronoun "he." However, "he" represents the noun "John." So, in reality, "funny" is modifying a noun. It doesn't matter how complex your sentence is. If you have an adjective, it is – in the final analysis – modifying a noun.

4. Find the Adjective Test

It's your go! Select the adjective in the following sentences.

1.I do not like the blacksweets.

2.Toby wasan angrymanyesterday.

3.Are youwearingmy yellowjumper?

4.These arewidestreets,aren't they?







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