



“ORDINARY RESOLUTION” a resolution: (a) passed by a simple majority of votes cast by such Members as, being entitled to do so, vote in person or, in the case of any Member being an organization, by its duly authorized representative or, where proxies are allowed, by proxy at a general meeting of the Company; or

“普通决议” 指下列决议:(a) 在公司股东大会上,由有权表决的股东亲自或通过(若任何股东为一家组织)该股东的合法授权代表或(如果允许代理人出席会议)该股东的代理人简单多数表决通过的决议;或


这一层意思在法律文件中出现时,常与legal或personal连用,构成legal representative或personal representative,译为“遗嘱执行人”或“遗产管理人”。


In case of the death of a member the survivor or survivors where the deceased was a joint holder, and the personal representatives of the deceased where he was a sole holder, shall be the only persons recognized by the Company as having any title to his interest in the Shares; but nothing herein contained shall release the estate of a deceased joint holder from any liability in respect of any Share which had been jointly held by him with other persons.


转载自:译问  作者:旗渡法务中心

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