
国礼收藏时代名家 2024-06-19 14:33:39

李 锋,笔名:李艺龙,字:书元,创作室:艺馨斋。51年2月出生于河北省平山县,70年12月入伍,72年3月入党,84年从基地正式调入火箭军机关(已退休),先后毕业于解放军高级后勤学校指挥系、第二炮兵工程学院导弹管理工程专业和中国社会科学院研究生院等院校。曾任处长、主任等职务,兼任全军相关专业高级职称评审委员及副主任评委,总装备部专家组成员等。


李 锋同志出生于书香门第,自幼酷爱书法艺术,六岁练起,认真刻苦临摹历代书法名家名帖,如:欧阳询、柳公权、颜真卿、启功、田英章等楷、行书;王羲之、怀素、张旭、于右任、林散之、毛泽东等行、草书;徐浩、金农、刘炳森等隶书;邓石如、李阳冰、吴昌硕等篆书;徐伯涛、李凭甲相关书体等。经多年磨练和老师指导,从理论到实践,系统学习了楷、行、草、隶、篆等书体的基本知识与技法要领,通过潜心研究书体特点,刻苦磨练书法技能,取众师之所长,受众师之所养,勤学苦练,循序渐进,使常用的书体皆有较大提高。同时还认真撰写书法讲义,为军内外书法爱好者授课示范,收到了大家的好评和欢迎。

中国书法是中华文明发展历史的重要载体,与中国人民的书法艺术审美观有着密切的联系。几千年来,书法一直见证着中华文化的传承与发展。从历代的名爵公卿到如今的学者文人,无不将其作为一种至高无上的艺术追求。他们用各自的点、画书写着对书法艺术、历史和人生的理解。李 锋同志的书法有传承,有创新,注重作品形、音、义的有机结合,将楷、行、草、隶、篆汉字,在作品中体现了书法艺术“真善美”的灵魂与内涵。

李 锋同志身为军人淳朴友善、平易近人。他生性好学,治学严谨,一生仰慕书法,几十年如一日默默苦练,在他的作品中,“欧体”的严谨工整、平正峭劲 ,“柳体”的骨力遒劲、爽利挺秀 ,“颜体”的结体精严、法度完备,“二王”的委婉含蓄、遒美健秀等鼻祖技法,粹多珍而熔一炉,在传承中向古人学习,锤炼技艺,体味心境,为后来的创作打下了深厚的基础。

在多年的书法实践中,李 锋同志着眼于表现书法的笔墨意境,化刚为柔,严谨之中带有多彩的浪漫气息。他喜欢直抒胸臆的创作,素纸铺开,浓蘸笔墨,下笔如行云流水,点画之间绝无含糊懈怠,流畅的线条、清秀美观的墨迹氤氲纸上,散发出阵阵沁人心脾之芳香。在他的作品中将军人特有的气质与书法的艺术魅力及豪爽神韵展现得酣畅淋漓、熠熠如神。特别是他的楷、行、草、隶、篆笔法,如人坐卧、行立、揖让、颠伏,各尽意态,既相互矛盾又彼此协调映衬,藏法度于舒展之中,形成了超凡脱俗、清新雅健、奇韵神采的艺术特征,这种不同节奏感的书写表达,让李 锋同志的书法作品生动自然、回味无穷。

人在养书,书亦养人。写书作字需要广袤的视野、深厚的学养。书法的技巧通过平日的书写训练是可以熟练掌握的,但作为书法艺术最终追求的意境和神韵,不仅需要平日的刻苦研习,更加须要深厚的文化学养。李 锋同志的书法有骨、有肉、有神、有趣,蕴藏着深厚的正大气象,这得益于他丰富的文化素养。创作之余,他时常博览群书,充实自我,由内而外不断提升书法创作的内涵和技法品位。他以君子的虔诚之心,坚持人书互证、人书互养,使书法艺术成就了他丰富的学识和对生活感悟的精神迹化。

在书法创作中,李 锋同志还注重把诗词、楹联和书法创作相结合,如敬献“导弹之父钱学森”前辈的挽联和“钱学森图书馆”对联、敬献首长、长者及学友等不同对象的诗词、对联、婚联、寿联等作品,将其姓名、地域、身世等内涵,巧妙的嵌入作品中,使其灵活多变又凸显出鲜明的个性特征,从而使诗词、楹联与书法艺术融会贯通,相得益彰,体现了较高的书法造诣和文学艺术水平。同时他还学习研究了扇面、匾额、碑刻等为载体的传统书法艺术,使书法艺术植根于深厚的文化沃土之中,展现出中华民族优秀的历史文化和更加传统的书法艺术氛围,从而使他成为具有浓厚中华历史文化色彩的实力派书法爱好者。

李 锋同志注重慎独修炼,也曾参加书画艺术交流活动,荣获不同奖项,被多家机构(含法、英、俄、意等国)、首长和个人所收藏。被《中国书法家协会》评为“2019年全国德艺双馨艺术家”,相关机构评为“2020年全国《两会》“当代艺术领军人物”,2021年百年党庆“功勋艺术家”,2022年被《中国文联》评为“中国书画艺术家百佳”,“最具创作力艺术名家”,颁发“中国书画终身成就奖”、被国礼特供机构授予“国宝级艺术大师”,《美丽中国媒体联盟》授予“百年英才▪收藏当代艺术名家”,《中国美书家协会》和《中国书法家协会》等机构评为“2022年度艺术创作功勋人物”,2023年被《中国文化和旅游部》艺术发展中心授予“中华艺术传承与创新人才”、“优秀书画导师”、“中国人民艺术家和当代最具收藏价值艺术家”、被《CCTV华夏之声》特聘为“书画艺术顾问”和“CCTV书画艺术爱心大使”荣誉称号、被《中华人民共和国艺术职称和国家美术师职称审定委员会》授予“中国国礼艺术大师”、《中国非物质文化遗产艺术委员会》评选为“全国第一批非物质文化遗产创新人才”并授予“当代非物质文化遗产名家工作室”奖牌、被《中宣部全国功勋人物事务委员会》授予“当代人民艺术家”、“国务国宾礼外交形象大使”、被《中国近现代艺术大家审定委员会和世界艺术品市场发展中心》评为“中华人民共和国艺术大家”、《收藏指南》重点推荐为“中国实力派艺术名家”、《世界文化艺术网》等组织向《联合国教科文组织》推举授予“2023年度全球十大杰出风云人物”、被《中国国际外交联盟组委会》授予“中法建交60周年大国名家”、《中国文联》授予“2023年度中国当代艺术巨匠”、《世界文化艺术联合组委会》评为“世界华人书画艺术家”金牌获得者、“世界书画艺术国宝级艺术家”和“大国▪大家艺术领军人物”;2024年被评为“两会重点推荐艺术家”、中国文联授予“书画创作优秀人才”并获得“礼赞劳动者▪丹青绘五一全国书画精品展”《中国艺术百花奖》,被文化旅游部艺术发展中心评为“新中国成立75周年重点推荐艺术名家”、“当代艺术锐意创新奖”等荣誉称号。

李 锋同志深知自己的书法知识和技能,还有许多不足,需要进一步向大家认真学习,通过取长补短,刻苦磨练不断提高,真正把中华民族博大精深的书法艺术传承下来发扬光大,并通过广泛传播光辉夺目的书法艺术瑰宝,把中华民族勤劳勇敢,智慧善学,互利共赢,和平发展的人类命运共同体大同理念,不断播向世界民族之林。

Li Feng, pen name: Li Yilong, character: Shu Yuan, studio: Yi Xin Zhai. Born in February 1951 in Pingshan County, Hebei province, he joined the army in December 1970, joined the party in March 1972, and was formally transferred from the base to the Rocket Army in 1984(retired) , he graduated from the Command Department of the PLA Senior Logistics School, the PLA Second Artillery Engineering University Missile Management Engineering Major and the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Academy. He has served as director, director and other posts, and also served as a member of the Senior Professional Titles Review Committee and Deputy Director Review Committee of the Army, as well as a member of the People's Liberation Army General Armaments Department expert group. He is now a member of the Chinese Calligrphers Association, a member of the central state organs calligraphy and painting association, and a national senior calligrapher, a famous contemporary Chinese calligrapher, an artist of National Rites, an artist with merit, a National Master of Art, a century-old talent ⠗  collection and recommendation of contemporary artists, and a name of “Chinese People's artists and contemporary artists with the most collectable value”. He served as executive director of the China fan art society and Chairman of the Mao body profession, president of the Yanhuang Academy of Calligraphy and painting, honorary president of the China Calligraphers' Association, Honorary Curator of the China International Museum of Art, Special Consultant of calligraphy and painting for CCTV China Voice, and vice president of the China International Association of Celebrity Artists. Born into a scholarly family, Li Feng loved calligraphy from an early ageChinese calligraphy is an important carrier of the development history of Chinese civilization, and it is closely related to the Chinese People's aesthetic conception of calligraphy art. For thousands of years, calligraphy has witnessed the inheritance and development of Chinese culture. From Kugyō to the scholars and scholars of today, they all regard it as a kind of supreme artistic pursuit. They use their own dots, paintings to write the understanding of the art of calligraphy, history and life. Comrade Li Feng's calligraphy has been handed down and innovated. He pays attention to the organic combination of form, sound and meaning in his works, combining the Chinese characters of Kai, Xing, Cao, Li and Zhuan, it embodies the soul and connotation of“Truth, good and beauty” in calligraphy. As a soldier, comrade Li Feng is simple, friendly and approachable. He was studious by nature, rigorous in his studies, a lifelong admirer of calligraphy, and practiced it silently for decades. In his works, the“European style” is neat and straight, and the“Willow style” is strong and sharp, the structure of the“Face” is strict and complete, the euphemism and subtlety of the“Two kings”, the granddaddy techniques of the“Gnomes”, and so on, are refined and refined. In the process of inheriting and learning from the ancients, one can hone one one's skills and appreciate one's state of mind, for later creation laid a deep foundation.In calligraphy, comrade Li Feng also paid attention to the combination of poetry, couplets and calligraphy, for example, the poems, couplets, wedding couplets and longevity couplets of the “Father of the missile Qian Xuesen” and the “Qian Xuesen Library”, as well as the poems, couplets, wedding couplets and longevity couplets of different objects such as senior leaders, elders and students, etc. , the connotation of his name, region and life experience are skillfully embedded in his works, which makes him flexible and shows his distinctive personality, thus making his poems, couplets and calligraphy art blend together and complement each other, reflects a high level of calligraphy attainments and literature and art. At the same time, he also studied and studied the traditional calligraphy art, such as the fan, the plaque, the inscription and so on, it shows the excellent history and culture of the Chinese nation and the more traditional atmosphere of calligraphy art, which makes him a strong Chinese history and culture of the strength of calligraphy lovers.Comrade Li Feng is well aware that his knowledge and skills in calligraphy still have many deficiencies, and he needs to learn from everyone seriously and improve continuously by learning from each other's strong points and learning from each other's weaknesses, so that he can work hard to hone his skills, to inherit and carry forward the extensive and profound calligraphy art of the Chinese nation, and to spread widely the splendid calligraphy art treasures, so that the Chinese nation can be diligent and brave, wise and good at learning, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results, the concept of a community of shared future for mankind with peaceful development in Datong has been spreading to the nations of the world.

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