
Banking and Finance MScBanking and Finance (Conversion) MScBanking and Finance with Integrated Pre-Masters MSc(20个月)Investment and Finance with Integrated Pre-Masters MSc(20个月)Management MScManagement with Integrated Pre-Masters MSc(20个月)Medical Education MASorbonne - Queen Mary Double LLMCommercial Law Dual LLM (London and Singapore) LLMLaws (Paris) LLM埃克塞特大学



Arts and Literature
MLitt Creative WritingMSc Cultural & Creative CommunicationMLitt English Language and LiteratureMLitt Film, Visual Culture And Arts ManagementMSc Global Business CommunicationMLitt Literatures, Environments and PlacesMMus MusicMSc TESOL - Teaching English to Speakers of Other LanguagesBiological and Environmental Sciences
MSc Environmental ScienceBusiness and Finance
MBA Business AdministrationMSc (Econ) Accounting And FinanceMSc (Econ) Finance & Investment Management (no CFA Exam)MSc (Econ) Finance & Investment Management (with CFA)MSc International Business & FinanceMSc International Business Management MSc International Finance & Political RelationsMSc International Human Resource ManagemeComputing and Mathematics
MSc Artificial IntelligenceMSc Data ScienceMSc Information TechnologyEducation
MEd Inclusive PracticeLaw
LLM Business Law & Sustainable DevelopmentLLM Criminal JusticeLLM Criminal Justice & Human RightsLLM Energy And Environmental Law with DissertationLLM Energy And Environmental Law with Professional SkillsLLM Energy Economics and LawMSc Energy Economics and LawLLM Energy Law with DissertationLLM Energy Law with Professional SkillsMSc Energy Politics and LawLLM General LawLLM Human Rights and Criminal JusticeLLM Intellectual Property Law with DissertationLLM International Commercial Law with DissertationLLM International Commercial Law with Professional SkillsLLM International Dispute ResolutionLLM International Human RightsLLM International LawLLM International Law and International RelationsLLM International Law, Security and Strategic StudiesMSc International Relations and International LawLLM International Trade LawLLM International Trade Law and Treaty Negotiations with Professional SkillsLLM Natural Resources LawLLM Oil And Gas Law with DissertationLLM Oil and Gas Law with Professional SkillsLLM Public International LawMSc Strategic Studies and International Law更多阿伯丁大学2025年1月入学课程可至下方链接查看:
MA Communication, Media and DevelopmentMA MSc Design InnovationMSc Digital EntrepreneurshipMSc Digital FinanceMSc Digital MarketingMA Digital Media and Creative IndustriesMSc Diplomacy and International RelationsMSc Diplomacy and SportMSc Diplomacy International Business and TradeMSc Diplomacy International Politics and TradeMSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation ManagementMSc Entrepreneurship, Finance and InnovationMA International DevelopmentMSc International Human Resource ManagementMSc International ManagementMSc International Management and Emerging EconomiesMSc International Sustainable DevelopmentMSc Risk Governance and International ManagementMSc Security Peace-building and DiplomacyMSc Sport MarketingMSc Sustainable ManagementMSc Sustainable Sport Business大学可能会因实际情况调整开课计划,如有出入请以大学最终开课为准。