
后山凡夫 2024-02-04 14:36:43





Don’t argue with the Donkey(夏虫不可语冰)

The Donkey said to the Tiger, “the grass is blue.” The Tiger replied,“No, the grass is green.” Their discussion heated up. So they submitted it to arbitration before the Lion, the King of the Jungle.

驴子对老虎说:“草是蓝色的。” 老虎回答说:“不,草是绿色的。” 他们的争论逐渐白热化,于是他们决定去找森林之王狮子给做个公断。

Even before reaching the clearing where the Lion King was sitting on his throne, the Don- key shouted out loudly: “You Majesty, the grass is blue, right?” The lion responded, “Yes, you’re correct. The grass is blue.” The Donkey continued, “The Tiger contradicted and annoyed me. Please punish him.” The lion punished the Tiger with 5 years of silence. The Donkey cheerfully went on his way repeating, ”The grass is blue.”

甚至在森林之王狮子面前,驴子仍然大声地嚷嚷着:“陛下,草是蓝色, 对吧?” 狮子回答:“是的,你是对的。草是蓝色的。” 驴子继续说道:“老虎否认我的说法,让我很生气,请惩罚他。” 狮子惩罚老虎5年不许说话。驴子满心欢喜地离开了,不断地重复着:“草是蓝色的”。

The Tiger accepted his punishment, but asked the Lion, “Your Majesty, why have you punished me? Everyone knows the grass is green.” The lion said, “Yes, you’re very true but you are being punished because a brave and intelligent creature like you wasted time arguing with a Donkey and on top of that, bothered me with a silly question that doesn’t even deserve attention.”

老虎接受了惩罚。他问狮子:“陛下,你为什么惩罚我?所有人都知道草是绿色的。” 狮子说:“你肯定是对的,但是你被惩罚是因为像你这样一个勇敢而有智慧的家伙,却浪费时间和一个驴子争吵。除此之外,你们用一个如此不值一提的愚蠢的问题惹恼了我”。

The worst way is to waste your precious time is to argue with the fool and fanatic who is least bothered about truth or reality but believes only in his own beliefs and understand illusions.


Don’t involve yourself in pointless arguments. There are people who, no matter how much evidence we present them, are not in the capacity to understand, and are blind by ego, hatred, as well as resentment. All they want is to be right even if they are not.


When ignorance screams, intelligence is silent. Your peace and quiet are worth more.




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