
阿特网 2021-08-17 15:43:27


彭薇凭借扎实的传统功底、中国水墨的表现手段和独特的私人目光,将古代艺术资源与现在连接,并与西方资源对话,寻求过去与当下的平衡。其作品涉及平面绘画,三维装置、录像、照片等多种形式,成为中国当代艺术中以水墨为材质进行创作的代表。其先后在台北历史博物馆、苏州博物馆、广东美术馆等举办个展,并参加了诸如“镜花水月——中国当代女性艺术展”(比利时欧洲当地艺术中心)、瑞士Sigg Collection “山水——中国当代艺术展”(卢塞恩美术馆)、“中国私语”—希克收藏展、“似重若輕”M+水墨藏品展等亚洲、欧洲、北美、大洋洲举办的当代艺术大展。2014年“遥远的信件”系列入选新加坡美术馆“亚太地区当代杰出艺术家奖”。

Peng Wei

Peng Wei was born in Chengdu,lives and works in Beijing. She graduated from Nankai University, obtaining a master’s degree inphilosophy. She is a famous Chinese contemporary ink artist.

Peng Wei relies on the methods of traditional Chinese painting and a very personal vision. She links traditional ideas to the present and the West, in an effort to find balance between the past and the present. She blends a variety of media, such as painting, installation, video, and photography, into her practice, making her an important Chinese contemporary ink painter.

She has held numerous solo exhibitions in New York, Hong Kong, Taipei, Beijing, and Shanghai. She has also participated in large contemporary art exhibitions in Asia, Europe, North America, and Oceania, such as the “Translucence: FemaleContemporary Art from China,” “Shanshui: Landscape in Chinese Contemporary Art,”and “Ink Remix: Contemporary Artfrom China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong”、“The Weighof Lightless”Ink Art at M+. In 2014, her series “Letters from a Distance” was selected for the Signature Art Prize at the Singapore Art Museum.

松系列之二  宣纸水墨  2020

Pine Series No.2

Ink on rice paper


松系列之十  宣纸水墨  2020Pine Series No.10Ink on rice paper180x97cm

Hi-Ne-Ni-有故事的房间1  绘画装置  2021

Hi-Ne-Ni-Rooms with stories 1

Painting Installation


Hi-Ne-Ni-Kuro2  绘画装置  2020


Painting Installation


Hi-Ne-Ni-Kuro2  绘画装置  2020


Painting Installation


无题  麻纸水墨  2020


Ink on Flax Paper


其作品先后被美国克利夫兰美术馆、波斯顿美术馆、旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆、纽约布鲁克林美术馆、香港艺术博物馆、M+美术馆、普林斯顿大学美术馆、中国美术馆、广东美术馆、何香凝美术馆、北京画院美术馆、苏州博物馆、瑞士Sigg Collection、法国DSL Collection等机构收藏。Peng’s work has been collected by the Cleveland Museum of Art,the Museum of Fine Arts Boston, the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, the Brooklyn Museum, M+, the National Art Museum of China, Princeton University Art Museum ,the Hong Kong Museum of Art, the Guangdong Museum of Art, the He Xiangning Art Museum, the Beijing Fine Art Academy Museum, Suzhou Museum、the Sigg Collection, and the DSL Collection etc.

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