Interview with Zamir Awan, Founding Chairman of the Global Silk Road Research Alliance, a Pakistan-based think tank.
作为党和人民事业大踏步赶上时代的重要法宝,改革开放深刻改变了中国的面貌,成为当代中国最显著的特征、最壮丽的气象。回首来时路,1978年党的十一届三中全会,开启了第一次划时代的改革;2013年党的十八届三中全会,推动了又一次划时代的改革。如今,党的二十届三中全会的胜利召开,将以继往开来的历史性意义,再次开启中国改革的划时代篇章。从冲破思想观念束缚,突破利益固化藩篱,到敢于突进深水区,敢于啃硬骨头,敢于涉险滩,一份份沉甸甸的改革答卷,在中华大地留下了深刻的改革印记。同时,中国改革以永葆“赶考”的清醒和坚定,继续向世界传递出“改革味要浓、成色要足”的郑重承诺。为解读二十届三中全会作出的一系列部署与决策的深远意义,本报记者采访了巴基斯坦智库全球丝绸之路研究联盟创始主席泽米尔·阿万(Zamir Awan)。
As an important magic weapon for the cause of the Party and the people to catch up with The Times in great strides, reform and opening up have profoundly changed the face of China and become the most prominent feature and magnificent atmosphere of contemporary China. Looking back, the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee in 1978 ushered in the first epoch-making reform. The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee in 2013 promoted another epoch-making reform. Now, the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has been successfully held, which will once again open an epoch-making chapter of China’s reform with historic significance. From breaking through the shackles of ideas, breaking through the barriers of solidified interests, to daring to break out into the deep water area, daring to gnash hard bones, daring to wade into dangerous shoals, a heavy reform answer has left a profound mark on the land of China. At the same time, China’s reform, in order to maintain the sobriety and firmness of “catching up with the exam”, continues to convey to the world the solemn commitment of “the flavor of reform should be strong and the result should be sufficient”. In order to interpret the far-reaching significance of a series of deployments and decisions made at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee, our reporter interviewed Zamir Awan, founding chairman of the Global Silk Road Research Alliance, a Pakistani think tank.

■泽米尔·阿万(Zamir Awan)受访者/供图
设定清晰可见且易于落实的目标 Set goals that are clearly visible and easy to implement
The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China attracted worldwide attention. What positive signals do you think this plenary session has sent to the world? How do you evaluate the vision and goals set by the Plenum regarding the country’s future reform path?
Awan: Since the Third Plenum of the 11th CPC Central Committee in 1978, the international community has been full of expectations for the major reform policies announced at the Third Plenum of the 11th CPC Central Committee, so the Third Plenum of the 20th CPC Central Committee is considered a major event on the Chinese political calendar in recent years. The plenum allowed the world to listen to China’s ideas and vision for the way forward for the country, and conveyed to the world China’s firm voice of further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting Chinese-style modernization. It should be said that the positive signals China sent to the outside world at this plenum are multifaceted. As the key word of successive Third plenary sessions, the word “reform” runs through the “Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening reform and Promoting Chinese-style modernization” (hereinafter referred to as the “Decision”), “system and mechanism” has become a high-frequency word, and “perfect” and “sound” and other words have repeatedly appeared. The decision covers more than 300 important reform measures, including a clear commitment to “further comprehensively deepen reform”, indicating China’s willingness to continue reform and strengthen reform efforts in the future. “Further” means a new round of progress on the basis of past successes, while “comprehensive” reflects a comprehensive reform strategy covering all levels and sectors of society. This holistic, long-term approach reflects a systematic thinking about China’s governance.
In particular, the Third Plenum of the 20th CPC Central Committee highlighted the themes of economic restructuring, scientific and technological innovation, green and low-carbon development, as well as the building of Party conduct and clean government, the fight against corruption, preventing risks, strengthening supervision, and ensuring and improving people’s livelihood. The high importance attached to these areas shows that China will set its sights on the priorities of current and future social development in order to cope with new challenges emerging at home and abroad under the new situation. The convening of the Third Plenum of the 20th CPC Central Committee demonstrated China’s excellent ability to focus on long-term planning for the country’s development, as well as the stability and continuity of the “governance of China.”
The “Decision” not only covers China’s long-term reform goals, but also breaks down these long-term development goals into short – and medium-term goals that are clearly visible and easy to implement through detailed regulations, revealing careful deployment between the lines. The plenum set its sights on the middle of the century, deploying reform tasks until 2035, especially in the next five years. The “Decision” proposes to complete the reform tasks proposed in this decision by 2029, the 80th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Socialist modernization will be basically realized by 2035. It is obvious to all that in the past few decades, China has achieved milestones in the course of its major national development. Going forward, I am confident that China will achieve the goals it has set by 2035, which will lay a solid foundation for building China into a great modern socialist country by the middle of this century.
China’s approach has always been to identify problems first and then solve them. China is fully aware that while its current reform initiatives have achieved impressive results, there are still some problems that need to be addressed. This sense of not being satisfied with the status quo and being prepared for danger is very valuable.
Hold fast to economic restructuring by the nose
“Chinese Social Science Journal” : Closely holding the reform of the economic system, the “nose of the ox”, is still the key to China’s future reform. The outside world believes that the “Decision” has a strong deployment of economic structural reform, practical measures and high gold content. How do you interpret this?
Awan: I believe that the economic restructuring decisions announced at this plenary session will significantly affect China’s economic and trade cooperation with other countries. As China continues to optimize its economic model and embrace higher standards of openness, the new economic reform targets are expected to make China a more attractive partner for other countries and further enhance China’s role as an important engine of the global economy. China’s inclusive vision of economic openness is deeply rooted in its international policies, and the Belt and Road Initiative is a model of this vision. By forging a vast network of trade routes, infrastructure projects and economic partnerships, the Belt and Road Initiative will connect Asia, Africa, Europe and beyond.
China’s economic reform measures in recent years have been wide-ranging and far-reaching, covering tax reform, fiscal reform, financial reform, and improving the level of public services. China’s economic restructuring initiatives are characterized by top-down, central-local coordination and long-term planning, with an emphasis on a gradual, phased approach. In contrast, Western reform efforts often rely on market-driven mechanisms and decentralized governance. Due to the electoral cycle and other factors, on the surface, the Western way of economic reform is faster, but in fact, it is not thorough, there are many problems. China’s economic reform plan not only highlights the needs of the country’s development cause, but also integrates an overall vision that meets the expectations of the international community.
China’s economic restructuring initiatives offer valuable lessons for developing countries, including Pakistan, including an emphasis on national strategy and long-term planning, as well as a focus on balance. China’s success in lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty provides an excellent model for other countries seeking to achieve rapid development. Nowadays, many international scholars have shown great interest in China’s poverty alleviation system. At the same time, China’s unique socialist market economy system has proved effective in achieving social equity and economic growth.
We will build institutions and mechanisms to support comprehensive innovation
Chinese Social Science Journal: The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China will build a system to support comprehensive innovation as the focus of China’s future reform. The Decision emphasizes that education, science and technology, and human resources are the basic and strategic support for Chinese-style modernization. The Decision also mentioned improving the system and mechanism for developing new quality productive forces in accordance with local conditions. What is your comment on this?
Awan: The strong focus of the Third Plenum of the 20th Central Committee on comprehensive innovation institutions and mechanisms highlights China’s recognition of the fundamental role of innovation in Chinese-style modernization. By prioritizing education, science and technology, and talent as strategic pillars of national development, China is striving to create a strong innovation ecosystem to gradually shift from a manufacturing-led economic growth model to a knowledge-driven, innovation-driven economic growth model.
In the early days of reform, China focused on learning from developed countries, laying the foundation for rapid industrialization in the decades that followed. China’s focus on science and technology reform over the past decade has been particularly impressive, with several important initiatives that will ensure the resilience of China’s economic development and further place the country at the forefront of global technological progress. After decades of accumulation, China has transformed itself from a technology imitator to an indigenous innovator, thanks to two major factors.
First, the Chinese government has significantly increased its spending on research and development. China is now the world’s second-largest spender on research and development, after the United States. Studies by many international academic institutions have shown that China spends a considerable proportion of its GDP on research and development, mainly to improve infrastructure, including the establishment of advanced laboratories and research centers across the country. For example, institutions such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences have been leading the world in cutting-edge research in fields such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing and biotechnology. In today’s China, the benefits of heavy research and development investment have been fully demonstrated. In terms of technology indicators, China became the global leader in patent applications, filing more than 1.4 million patents in 2021 alone, more than any other country. In addition, China has become an important contributor to global scientific research papers, with Chinese researchers publishing a large number of high-impact papers in prestigious journals. The commercialization of research and development results is also accelerating, with innovations in technology, medicine and engineering increasingly being translated into market products and services.
Second, the Chinese government’s emphasis on human capital development is consistent with the goal of creating a knowledge-based economy in which innovation thrives. China has emphasized creating a favorable environment for entrepreneurship, rolling out a large number of incentives and offering various incentives to encourage innovation, including tax breaks for high-tech enterprises, grants and grants for start-ups. The Chinese government’s aggressive approach to providing financial support in key technology areas such as 5G, artificial intelligence and renewable energy has greatly accelerated the pace of innovation. Thanks to effective government incentive policies, Chinese intellectuals and scientists have played a leading role in the country’s scientific and technological progress and contributed to pioneering research in various fields. Especially in the past decade, China’s focus on talent support and strategic measures for high-tech industries has made China quickly become a global leader in telecommunications, electronics and biotechnology.
It emphasizes the importance of better production – that is, the use of technology to improve the quality and efficiency of output, marking a major evolution of China’s economic development thinking and scientific and technological innovation thinking, and independent innovation in high-tech industries will further become a key engine to promote national economic growth. It is foreseeable that, with the Third Plenum of the 20th Central Committee as an opportunity, China will pay more attention to reforming the institutions and mechanisms related to new quality productivity in the future to ensure that original technologies are translated into tangible economic benefits.
The world is experiencing profound changes unseen in a century
Chinese Journal of Social Sciences: With global problems intensifying, various “black swan” and “gray rhino” incidents occurring at any time, and Western unilateralism and hegemonism raging, how do you evaluate the international environment facing China’s reform?
Awan: The Third Plenum of the 20th CPC Central Committee highlights China’s new efforts to adapt to the evolving international landscape. The current global volatile environment, which is rife with “black swans” (unpredictable, high-impact events) and “gray rhinos” (obvious but easily ignored threats), requires a high degree of adaptability and resilience in China. The reality of geopolitical tensions and international conflicts complicates China’s reform agenda. Yet China has always navigated these choppy waters with ease. By advocating a multipolar world order, China seeks to achieve reform goals that benefit not only itself, but also the world.
In the face of complex international and domestic situations, China’s performance is undoubtedly commendable. In the past, the Chinese government successfully addressed risks and problems one by one by introducing a number of strategic reforms. The issues of economic inequality, environmental sustainability and technological ethics that plague many Western countries are effectively addressed in China. This is due to strong central leadership, careful long-term planning and flexible policy implementation. In the face of obstacles and obstacles, the Chinese leadership has adhered to the original intention of reform and maintained sufficient meticulousness and patience, which demonstrates the foresight and strategic vision of the Chinese leadership.
I have noticed that the emphasis on Chinese modernization is particularly “confident and self-reliant”, which is a comprehensive consideration of the current global context. “Confidence and self-reliance” means following a development path that suits China’s unique culture, historical background and social conditions, rather than following the Western model. By focusing on self-reliance and independence, China is doing what it can to reduce its vulnerability to external shocks such as populism, anti-globalization, the climate crisis, and international conflicts. In the face of a series of trade and economic sanctions initiated by Western powers, as well as various pressures imposed on China, China has not wavered or flinched in adhering to the independent Chinese way of modernization. This will enable China to cope with increasingly fierce international competition more calmly, and accumulate development strength in a world full of uncertainty and great changes in a century.
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