
孟孟艺术传承 2024-04-23 16:35:40



The year 2024 marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and France and the Year of Culture and Tourism between China and France, which coincides with the return of Paris, the "starting point of the modern Olympic Movement", after 100 years of the Olympic Games. Both China and France have splendid civilizations and two bright pearls that have often added radiance to each other in the long course of human history. "As a bridge of artistic appreciation, a bridge of cultural exchange between China and France, a bridge of mutual learning between civilizations and a bridge of hearts, the Paris Olympic Calligraphy and Painting Art Online Exhibition will spread the cultural and spiritual connotation of the Olympic movement to the world. Chinese artists will engage in heart-to-heart dialogue with their counterparts around the world through their works, allowing the world to see a thriving, confident and open China.

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, we will cooperate with many mainstream media to report and broadcast on all platforms, so that Chinese artists and art lovers can better inherit and show China's extensive and profound bright culture.


Shen Chuhua, born in 1955, has been a primary school teacher in Hengxi Town, Lanxi City, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, for more than 40 years. Since childhood, I have been fond of hard and soft calligraphy, and through my own efforts to learn ancient posts and ancient tablets, I have realized some principles of calligraphy, strokes and rules. His calligraphy works have also been praised and collected by experts, teachers and lovers, and he has several sets of calligraphy thousand-character models for scholars to learn and practice. The long volume also has several volumes. In recent years, Shen Chuhua's works have won many awards and trophies in the national painting and calligraphy competitions, including one national platinum award, four gold awards, four silver awards, and three third prizes. Now. Zhejiang Lanxi City hard and soft calligraphy association member, China list book member, China Coulian Association member, Chinese painting and calligraphy production base expert group member, two years ago has been rated as the global top 100 calligraphy and painting. He is now a famous national artist and a national first-class calligrapher. In the future, I will continue to study and study ancient books as the foundation, and create excellent works for the inheritance of Chinese calligraphy culture.

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