
时代楷模 2021-11-15 14:17:33




Personal profile:

Chen Shihua, born in 1960, a member of the Communist Party of China, currently lives in Beijing. He is the cousin of the famous writer Qiong Yao. Member of Chinese Artists Association. Served as a member of the prefectural and municipal Youth Federation, a member of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, a director of the Chinese Calligraphy Research Association, a distinguished professor of the Chinese National Painters Association, a director of Shenzhen Xiangmihu Calligraphy and Painting, a director of the Shenzhen Futian Calligraphy Association, a director of the Hengyang Calligraphy Association, and a hard pen calligrapher of Hengyang Chairman of the Association.He is currently a director of the Hong Kong Chinese Calligraphers Association, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Calligraphy and Calligraphy, a member of the Hunan Calligraphers Association, a member of the Zhongwei Dao Calligraphy and Painting Association, the first batch of Hunan Youth Calligraphers Association, and the honorary chairman of the Hengyang Hard Pen Calligraphers Association. Guangming.com, Sina.com Hall of Fame Calligraphy and Painting Celebrities, Standing Director of People's Artist Painting and Calligraphy Studio. In 2010, he was awarded the "Painting and Calligraphy Art Elite Award" by the China International Cultural Industry Promotion Association. Included in the "Who's Who in the Chinese Art Circle", "Chinese Hard Pen Calligraphers Dictionary", "Chinese Contemporary Literature and Art News Talent Biography", "Chinese Contemporary Art Masters".




Mr. Chen Shihua’s works have participated in many domestic and foreign exhibitions. In 2002, he won the first prize in the "Exhibition of Essence of Chinese Hard Pen Calligraphy in the Year of the Horse." "Won the first prize for outstanding works. The self-defense counterattack was commissioned by relevant government units to Shi Guangzhu. Yang Guo wants to wait for ten battle heroes to present paintings and calligraphy works.In 2004, he was rated as one of the Top 100 Chinese Painting and Calligraphy.In 2016, he presented as a gift to the National People’s Congress as a “Outstanding People’s Artist”. In the same year, he presented his representative works in the “Top 100 Contemporary Painting and Calligraphy Series Recommendations” in a Chinese enterprise report. The "Art Information" inscribed by the leaders has received much attention and praise from the business community. In the 5th Chinese Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Competition, he won the Silver Award for Calligraphy, the Bronze Award for Chinese Painting, and the Award for Excellence in Poetry. Some works are collected by the party, government, government agencies, celebrities, and enterprises.










2002年,他还出席了世界华人企业文化年会及深圳市福田区一些重大文化艺术活动,并多次为驻港部队和企事业单位讲学,2010年8月12日,由中国社会工作协会、中国名家书画研究院、北京吴东魁艺术馆等单位共同主办的“为上海世博会喝彩”诗书画印作品大赛颁奖仪式暨第十届中国名家书画慈善拍卖会,在北京吴东魁艺术馆隆重举行。陈诗华先生应邀参加。由中国儿童少年基金会、中国名家书画研究院、北京吴东魁艺术馆等单元配合协办,北京匹夫办理咨询公司和北京国博艺海拍卖公司结合承办的“为了我们的孩子”第十一届中国名家书画慈善拍卖会开幕式于2010年11月27日,在北京吴东魁艺术馆举行。       届时将对书画家的艺术做品和名人题词进行保实拍卖,拍卖全数利润捐献给外国儿童少年基金会,用于贫苦弱视儿童少年的医治。陈诗华先生应邀参加。对于中国的书画艺术应怎样发展?陈诗华先生主张在继承传统的基础上发展和创新,反对那种割裂传统而盲目追求“新”、“异”、“怪”的创作方法,认为那是无本之木,无源之水,终将不能保持长久的艺术生命力。



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