
三月流焱 2022-11-20 10:29:12

成功的人不是说一定比你聪明,但他一定更会跟随趋势,也不是比你更优秀,但一定是选对平台,也不是比你更努力只是把握了时机!愿今天的你拥有一份平和的心态,朝着理想的方向努力!A successful person is not necessarily smarter than you, but he will follow the trend and is not better than you, but he must choose the right platform and not work harder than you just seize the opportunity! May today's you have a peaceful mind and work towards your ideal direction!不辜负每一场花开,善待每一次花落,走好脚下的路,专注在自己身上,耐心地经营,那些小惊喜迟早会变成一扇窗,让你眺望更美好的远方。Live up to every blossom, be kind to every blossom, take a good road, focus on yourself, and operate patiently. Sooner or later, those small surprises will become a window, allowing you to look into a better distance.

人生短短几十年,要学会自己哄自己,自己爱自己,千万不要处处为难自己。有些事,能释怀,别计较,有些人,能放下,别记恨。开心一天是一天,轻松一天算一天!In a short life of several decades, you should learn to coax yourself and love yourself. Don't embarrass yourself everywhere. Some things can be relieved, but don't worry about them. Some people can put it down, but don't hold grudges. Happy day by day, relaxed day by day!生活本不易,没有随随便便的成功,没有从天而降的幸运。每一步脚踏实地,才能换来雨过天晴。不怕辛苦,不畏艰险,那颗一往无前的心,是热爱生活的本源,也是未来支撑生活的动力,愿你我都有。Life is not easy, there is no casual success, no luck from heaven. Every step is down-to-earth, which will lead to a sunny day after rain. Not afraid of hard work, not afraid of difficulties and dangers, that indomitable heart is the source of love for life, and also the power to support life in the future. I hope you and I have both.

每天都是一个崭新的日子,保持精确与努力,那样机会来临时,你已经做好了准备!自律,自愈,自燃!主动吃苦不是苦,被动受苦才是苦。越自律的人,未来越自由,越能得到自己想要的。Every day is a new day, keep accurate and work hard, so when the opportunity comes, you are ready! Self discipline, self-healing, spontaneous combustion! Active suffering is not suffering, passive suffering is suffering. The more disciplined people are, the more free they will be in the future, and the more they can get what they want.

人这一辈子,想要掌控命运,首先要掌控自己, 而想要做到真正掌控自己,则要从养成好习惯开始。当你变得优秀,全世界都会变得美好起来!谁的人生不是一路披荆斩棘前行呢?想要成为那个别人无法企及的人,就不要畏惧前行路上的荆棘坎坷,付出别人无法企及的努力,趁年轻拼一把!In this life, if you want to control your destiny, you must first control yourself. If you want to truly control yourself, you must start from developing good habits. When you become excellent, the world will become better! Whose life is not all the way forward? If you want to be the person that others can't match, don't be afraid of the thorns and obstacles on the road ahead, pay the efforts that others can't match, and fight while young!

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