
旧游成梦寐 2024-07-02 16:48:41


Many people criticize traditional Chinese medicine as unscientific because they have no knowledge of the latest discoveries in Western medicine. In the past decade, Western medicine has surpassed traditional linear and mechanized medical models and is developing towards energy medicine and consciousness medicine.


A few days ago, I experienced a magical experience: the technology developed by former Soviet scientists for conducting medical examinations for astronauts can produce a detailed medical report for you in 15 minutes based on your photos.


And the results of this report are actually the same as our physical examination results after undergoing a complex set of equipment in the hospital.


The principle of its operation is to find the image you left in the fourth dimensional space, where different energy regions have different colors.


Professor Wang Weigong of Taiwan is also doing research in this field. He is applying for an American patent: using the energy of meridians to detect diabetes, without breaking fingers, or even blind testing, based on the vibration frequency relationship of the meridians in traditional Chinese medicine.


He told me that Harvard Medical School is now introducing the perspective of Eastern energy medicine, re examining the body and planning the thinking mode of Western medicine.


A group of Stanford postdoctoral fellows once told me that after studying genes, you have to believe that there may be God in this world.


Sitting quietly, in twenty minutes you can feel your breathing and heartbeat. To put it simply, life is as simple as exhaling and inhaling, and "qi" flows in the middle.


According to traditional Chinese medicine, when two essence meet, a person's destiny is determined. Why does the moment of birth have an impact on a person's life?


Before birth, your breath was given by your mother. After birth, you took your first breath to fight against atmospheric pressure, and the entire blood circulation began to activate. Neurons facing the brain also began to build.


At this moment, all planets, all orientations, and all weather changes will form a common magnetic field.


This magnetic field determines how your neurons are built, which in turn determines your way of thinking.


So, is it a problem to talk about the difference between traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine now? Just like two teams heading towards Mount Everest from the south slope and north slope, although they have different paths, they insist that people from the south slope talk about things on the north slope and people from the north slope talk about things on the south slope.


What is there to argue about? In a few years, we will reach the summit and meet again, and then we will understand.

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