I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love.-Mother Teresa
假如你爱至成伤,你就会发现伤没有了,却留有很多爱。-特蕾莎修女Scarification is the core of great love. It is hardly possible for those who never give up what they have to love. Love is an emotion that begins from a noble mind to accept pains and disabilities. The one who left this famous saying was an international doer of noble love, Mother Teresa. In 1950, she established the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta. India, and devoted herself to the poor, diseased, orphaned and dying. Once, there were also people who doubted her service. Even those criticisms, however, cannot deny completely the true and honest actions that Mother Teresa showed in front of the sick and poor.犠牲は大きな愛の核心です。自分のものを一つも諦めきれない人が愛せるはずがないです。愛は痛みと障害を甘受する崇高な心から始まる感情です。この名言を残した人は崇高な愛の国際的実践家マザー・テレサです。テレサ修道女は1950年インドで愛の宣教会を設立して、貧民と病人、孤児、瀕死の人々のために献身しました。一時彼女の奉仕を疑う人々もいました。しかしそんな批判もテレサ修道女が病気の貧しい人々の前で見せた分け隔てのない真の行動を完全に否定できません。牺牲是伟大爱情的核心。不舍得放弃自己任何东西的人无法真正爱一个人。爱是能够减少伤痛和障碍的崇高的情感。留下此名言的是实现世界崇高关爱的特蕾莎修女。1950年,特蕾莎修女在印度建立了爱的传教会,奉献于贫民,病者,孤儿及将要死去的人们。一度有人怀疑她的服务宗旨,但是这种批判也无法否认特蕾莎修女对病患,贫穷的人流露出的贴心与真心。