该小说源于British Short Stories of Today。作者马丁·阿姆斯特朗(Martin Armstrong
Once upon a time, on a summer's day, two poets, having shut up shop, went out into the country to collect copy, for their stock of this commodity was exhausted.

And they were careful to dress themselves carelessly: one put on a black collar and black-and-white checked trousers, and the other a cravat(领带krəˈvæt/) of raging scarlet, for they thought (though they did not say so) ‘we must dress the part(穿戴得体)’. And their hats were wide and reckless and the hair beneath their hats was like the thatch upon abroad-eaved barn.

And as they journeyed, poking about with their walking sticks after the precious substance of their quest, there gathered over their heads the devil of a storm.
And at the proper moment the storm burst and the rain came down and the poets left off(停止,中断) seeking for copy and huddled under a hawthorn(/ˈhɔːθɔːn/山楂,山楂树) tree. And they appeared as two proud exotic birds, lighted down from the Lord knows where.

And there was a lodge near the hawthorn tree, and the lodge keeper's wife looked out and, seeing the two, she exclaimed: Lord, look what the wet brings out!’ And the rain increased fearfully.

And after a while she looked out again and the poets were changed, for their bloom was impaired, the rain had clotted(凝结) their hair, and the scarlet cravat of the one had become crimson from saturation(饱和). And rain dripped from all their extremities(手足,四只末端).