今天和未来一样,充满无限可能!愿我们保持自律也充满自由,在岁月的长河里乘风破浪,活出自己的精彩。Today, like the future, is full of infinite possibilities! May we keep self-discipline is also full of freedom, in the long river of time in the wind and waves, live their own wonderful.

自信才有资格谈浪漫,收起你那多余的自卑,把皮肤养好,身材练好,让头脑丰富,言谈有趣,你自然会明白人间值得。Self-confidence is qualified to talk about romance, put away your redundant inferiority, raise the skin, figure practice, let the mind rich, talk interesting, you will naturally understand that the world is worth it.

昨日繁花固然美好,全新的今日却已经来临,更多的美景等待探索,别再犹豫不前现在就踏上旅程。Yesterday's flowers are beautiful, but a new today has come, more beauty is waiting to explore, don't hesitate to embark on the journey now.每一天都是新的开始,简单的圈子,规律的生活,立一个目标,守一份初心,愿我们的生活美好顺遂。Every day is a new beginning, a simple circle, a regular life, set a goal, keep a original aspiration, wish our life a good success.

这些年最对不起的就是自己,将就这个,成全那个,委屈了自己,最后变成一个随时爆发,喜怒无常的神经病,把那个乐观开朗、对生活充满激情的自己彻底弄丢了。These years, the most sorry is their own, will be on this, fulfill that, wronged themselves, and finally become a sudden outbreak, moody neuropathy, the optimistic and cheerful, full of passion for the life of their own completely lost.