
交流得有价值 2024-09-10 18:24:45


On August 30th, the 2024 Shanghai International Advertising Awards Ceremony successfully concluded at the Shanghai Convention & Exhibition Center of International Sourcing. A total of 354 awards were presented in the Case Study category, including 1 Grand Prize (to be confirmed at the 30th event), 29 Gold Awards, 118 Silver Awards and 207 Bronze Awards. There were also 18 winners in the ESG Innovation Communication Awards, including 1 Grand Prize, 2 Gold Awards, 4 Silver Awards and 11 Bronze Awards.

Connecting the World2024年上海国际广告奖面向全球国家和地区征集优秀的案例,和更多的企业、品牌、代理公司进行对话。今年共吸引390家公司参与,征集到1321件海内外广告创意作品。随着上海国际广告奖国际影响力不断提升,伦敦与曼谷首次跻身参赛数前10的城市;上海国际广告奖组委会也有幸邀请到诸多来自英国、泰国、马来西亚、加拿大、西班牙等国家的行业精英参与评审工作。The 2024 Shanghai International Advertising Awards invited outstanding cases from countries and regions around the world to engage in dialogue with more companies, brands and agencies. This year, 390 companies participated, submitting 1,321 creative advertising entries from both domestic and international sources. As the international influence of the Shanghai International Advertising Awards continues to grow, London and Bangkok joined the top 10 cities in terms of entries for the first time. The organizing committee was also honored to have many industry elites from countries such as the United Kingdom, Thailand, Malaysia, Canada, and Spain participate in the judging process.

Great Influence

2024年上海国际广告奖首设全场大奖大众投票+现场答辩赛制,全场大奖候选作品在B站公投,让广告更贴近大众消费者,让更多年轻人感受广告创意的魅力,候选作品线上累计浏览量破115000次。今年入围全场大奖公投的7支候选作品的参赛单位来自老牌本土传播集团、新兴代理商、互联网公司及品牌方,折射出当下广告业中坚力量、多元营销生态下的发展趋势与时代代表性。For the first time, the 2024 Shanghai International Advertising Awards introduced a public voting + live defense system for the Grand Prize. The shortlisted entries were put to a public vote on Bilibili, bringing advertising closer to the general consumer and allowing more young people to experience the charm of creative advertising. The shortlisted entries for the Grand Prize received over 115,000 views online. entries This year's 7 shortlisted entries for the Grand Prize came from established local communication groups, emerging agencies, internet companies, and brands, reflecting the current main strength of the advertising industry, the development trend under a diverse marketing ecosystem, and the representation of the times.四强公司代表Forward-looking Market Trends本年度上海国际广告奖也一直紧贴市场多元需求,把握市场趋势脉络。今年整合营销赛道、短视频创意广告(单条)赛道、内容营销赛道表现突出,成为新兴热门TOP3赛道。同时,值得一提的是“户外广告”、“现场活动”等新增设类别跻身于热门报赛TOP10。从获奖类别上来看,创意广告与实效营销大类,金奖数量稳居参赛类别榜首,2024年新设的新商业类别中,作品表现强劲,成为今年金奖类别黑马。This year, the Shanghai International Advertising Awards continued to closely follow the diverse needs of the market and capture the trends in the industry. The Integrated Marketing category, the Short Video Creative Advertising (Single Ad) category and the Content Marketing category stood out and became the top three emerging popular categories. It is also worth noting that newly added categories such as “Outdoor Advertising” and “Live Events” made it into the top 10 most popular categories. Among the award categories, the number of Gold Awards in the Creative Advertising and Effective Marketing categories remained topping the list. The newly established New Business category in 2024 showed strong performance, becoming the dark horse in the Gold Award categories.全场大奖得主金奖获得者(左滑查看更多)银奖获得者(左滑查看更多)铜奖获得者(左滑查看更多)获奖名单如下,恭喜所有获奖单位!截至9.20!2024金触点大奖二轮征集正式开始速递2023金触点大会干货!第八届克劳锐新媒体数字经济峰会强势开启
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