
湖边时光课程 2024-08-28 13:46:48

【每日一词】propinquity -/ prə-ˈpiŋ-kwə-tē / n. (时间等方面的)接近;(血统上的)近亲关系;

类似,近似 1: nearness of blood : kinship 2: nearness in place or time : proximity


propinquity effect: 接近效应;近似效果

territorial propinquity: 领土邻近性

Serendipitous Propinquity: 非刻意建立的紧密关系

Propinquity of descent: 系谱近似

propinquity or remoteness: 远近性

propinquity bamboo: 沙竹

Examples of propinquity in a Sentence

local housing prices, thanks to the propinquity of an especially picturesque beach, are out of the reach of many would-be buyers

Recent Examples on the Web

For him, at the heart of the conflict was a crisis of propinquity.

—Curbed, 20 Oct. 2023

Residents tolerate--even welcome--human propinquity.

—Glen Martin, Discover Magazine, 11 Nov. 2019

The ragged labor agitator becomes the shop steward, then the union boss, and the propinquity of the bargaining table supplies the fellow with new best friends.

—David Mamet, National Review, 31 Mar. 2022


The product is propinquity zeolite.


For propinquity, come, we do a cup again!


The closest propinquity of the man whom he had most vilely wronged!


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