
冰彦说趣事 2024-08-20 14:45:36


2022年12月25日, 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济 在 Frontiers in Immunology (中科院二区 IF=5.7) 期刊上在线发表题为 " Characterization of intrahepatic B cells in acute-on-chronic liver failure " ( 慢加急性肝衰竭中肝内 B 细胞的表征 )论文。 第一作者: 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院肝 脏 外科 Yudong Zhao, Chenchen Wang, 消化科 Wei He 通讯作者: 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院检验科 Bisheng Shi, 肝 脏 外科 Lei Xia(音译 夏雷), Xiaosong Chen (音译 陈小松 ) 本研究得到了 中国国家自然科学基金(NSFC)资助(#81902366到CW)和上海扬帆计划(19YF1429000到CW)的支持。


* 在图5中,作者分析了慢加急性肝衰竭(ACLF)患者肝内B细胞亚群及临床参数。根据补充表1中的数据,本次分析共纳入了26名患者。原则上,相同临床参数在纵坐标上的分布应完全一致。然而,我们注意到,在分析丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)与不同B细胞亚群之间的关系时,不同分析组中的ALT值并不相同。更为重要的是,这些ALT值无法与补充表1中的数据相匹配。我们使用红色箭头标出了与补充表1数据不符的可疑数据点。

In figure 5, the author analyzed the intrahepatic B-cell subsets and clinical parameters in ACLF patients. According to the data in supplementary table 1, a total of 26 patients were included in this analysis. In principle, the distribution of the same clinical parameters on the ordinate should be exactly the same. However, we noticed that when analyzing the relationship between ALT and different B-cell subsets, the values of ALT were not the same across the analysis groups. What’s more, the values of ALT could not match the data in supplementary table 1. We used red arrows to indicate the suspicious data points that don't match the data in supplementary table 1.

* 在不同分析组中,碱性磷酸酶(ALP)的值也不相同。有趣的是,被怀疑经过修改的数据点主要集中在图5C中,且显示出显著差异。

The values of ALP were not the same across the analysis groups. Interestingly, the data points that were suspected of being modified were concentrated in Figure 5C with significant difference.

* 在图5A到5C中,天冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)的值也不相同。其中有一个可疑的数据点,在补充表1中找不到对应的值。我使用红色箭头指出了这个可疑的数据点。

I noticed that the values of AST were also not the same among figure 5A to 5C. There is a suspected data point which cannot being found in supplementary table 1. I used red arrows to indicate the suspicious data point.

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