原文源自British Short Stories of Today,作者Steve Walker是英格兰北部的一个年轻诗人。
I thought it was a mouse at first, and wasn't bothered. Living in a place like this, one must expect the odd mouse. True: it whinnied(whinny/ˈwɪni/马嘶叫声) in the night and woke me up more than once. I climbed out of bed pulled back the curtains and looked through sleepy eyes at the closed warehouse over the road. I thought the whinnies came from there. True, also: it clip-clopped behind the skirting-board(踢脚线), just like a horse would if horses were small. But I didn't think of that. I took it to be a heavy-footed rodent(/ˈrəʊd(ə)nt/啮齿动物).


I first saw it one Sunday tea-time -- the most miserable time of the week for me; I turn off the TV to avoid the religious programmes and, left with nothing to do, I become miserable: always do. I was buttering some bread when I heard horses’ noises. I glanced. Wow! There it was, hoofing the lino(亚麻油地毡) by the larder(储藏室,食物室) door. A small horse! No larger, indeed, than an underfed(营养不良的,没吃饱的) mouse - ribs showing, eyes popping. I watched it carefully, stood still with bread in one hand and knife with a scoop(一勺) of butter on it in the other. Yes, it was certainly, most definitely, a horse, a small horse.


I must say, I've always been the same, ever since I passed twenty. I used to be a songwriter then, or thought I was, but all my songs had been turned down and I was at breaking point. Nothing whatsoever had gone right for me. I'd recently started my present job, and told a salesman I worked with about my problem.

“Give it up,’ he jeered(嘲笑,戏弄) at me. You've got a good job here. Give it up. You'll never make it.’
What he really meant was: You're an ordinary bloke(家伙,小子), like me. You've no business thinking you're a songwriter. People like us aren't songwriters.

He was correct, of course. I followed his advice, but note now that ever since, it seems to me, I've avoided people and things that could be judged as being out of the ordinary. So what was I to do when confronted with the crisis of having a small horse infesting(骚扰,出没) my flat? I needed advice, but only knew ordinary people. I told one or two and they said: Come on, man - stop pulling our leg(戏弄某人,开某人玩笑). And they proceeded to avoid me for the next few days.