你走过的每一步,很难让所有人满意,不用在别人的声音里患得患失,也不必讨好任何人,让在意你的人开心,让不爽你的人闹心,其实是一件很有成就感的事。我们最浪漫的作为,就是没变成别人嘴里的甲乙丙丁,而是永远记得自己是谁。It's hard to satisfy everyone with every step you take. You don't have to worry about gains and losses in other people's voices, nor do you have to please anyone. It's a very fulfilling thing to make people who care about you happy and upset people who don't like you. The most romantic thing for us is not to become the A, B, C, D in others' mouths, but to always remember who we are.

人都是被自己打败的,而且首先给自己的情绪打败。控制不了自己情绪的人,别人的一个字,一句话,你就可以失眠一整晚了。People are beaten by themselves, and beat their emotions first. If you can't control your emotions, you can lose sleep for a whole night with the words and sentences of others.心情再差,也不要写在脸上,因为没有人喜欢看;日子再穷,也不要挂在嘴边,因为没有人无故给你钱。所有的路都是七拐八绕,眼泪微笑混成一团。No matter how bad your mood is, don't write it on your face, because no one likes it; No matter how poor you are, don't talk about it, because no one gives you money for no reason. All roads are twists and turns, tears and smiles mixed into a ball.

人生总是有取有舍的,我们要学会放下,凡事看淡一些,不牵挂,不计较,是是非非无所谓。无论失去什么,都不要失去好心情。把握住自己的心,让心境清净,洁白,安静。There are always choices in life. We should learn to let go. We should look down on everything, not worry about it, not care about it. It doesn't matter whether it is right or wrong. No matter what you lose, don't lose your good mood. Hold your heart and let your mind be pure, white and quiet.做一个努力的姑娘,经营自己,自给自足,生活不会因你哭泣而对你温柔,但你可以通过努力活的风情万种。Be a hardworking girl, manage yourself, and be self-sufficient. Life will not be gentle to you because you cry, but you can live with all kinds of manners and feelings through hard work.

不是所有的鲜花,都盛开在春天;不是所有的河流,都流向大海;鲜花盛开在四季,河流流向八方,只要热爱,山海皆可平,无处不是风景。Not all flowers bloom in spring; Not all rivers flow to the sea; Flowers bloom in the four seasons, and rivers flow in all directions. As long as you love, mountains and seas can be flat, and everywhere is a landscape.