【每日一词】ebullient - adj. 热情洋溢的;沸腾的;兴高采烈的;1: BOILING, AGITATED;2: characterized by ebullience : having or showing liveliness and enthusiasm
ebullient torpid: 热情的◇麻痹的
ebullient cooling: 蒸发冷却
tepid ebullient: 不太热心的
ebullient letter of thanks: 一封热情洋溢的感谢信
tepid ebullient 不太热心的
ebullient effervescent 冒泡的
Examples of ebullient in a Sentence
Star’s promenade to the front door was greeted by two people: Maria Liang, the owner of the studio, at the front desk, and Ma, the ebullient manager known for his effusive and encouraging manner, at the deejay/cashier booth.
—Joanna Slater, Washington Post, 24 Jan. 2023
But the ebullient economic environment that helped foster this entrepreneurial spirit has given way to high inflation, rising interest rates and dwindling savings.
—Sydney Ember, New York Times, 15 Jan. 2023
Six decades out, Niemeyer’s structures retain an ebullient optimism.
—Los Angeles Times, 14 Jan. 2023
The Prime Minister was in ebullient mood.
John was as bouncy and ebullient as Helen was diffident and reserved.
She looked tired and much less ebullient than when I saw her in jail.