
予锐评课程 2024-07-30 18:04:34
Hey, how are you doing today?嘿,今天過得怎麼樣?I’m good, thanks! How about you?我很好,謝謝!你呢?I’m doing well. Did you catch the game last night?我很好,昨晚看比賽了嗎?No, I missed it. How was it?沒有,我錯過了,怎麼樣It was amazing! You should watch the highlights.棒極了,你應該看看集錦I’ll definitely check it out.我一定會去看的Do you want to grab coffee later?待會兒一起喝咖啡嗎?Sure, what time works for you?好啊,你什麼時候有空?How about 3 PM?下午三點怎麼樣?Sounds perfect. See you then.聽起來不錯,到時候見Did you finish the report for work?你完成工作報告了嗎?Yes, I sent it to the boss this morning.是的,我今天早上發給老闆了Great job! What’s next on your agenda?幹得不錯!你的下一個議程是什麼I have a meeting with the marketing team.我要和營銷團隊開會Good luck with that. Do you need any help?祝你好运,需要幫忙嗎?No, I think I’ve got it covered. Thanks!不,我想我已經搞定了,謝謝Let’s catch up after your meeting.會後我們再聊吧Will do. Talk to you later.好的,稍後再聊Don’t forget to take a break.別忘了休息一下I won’t, thanks for the reminder.不會的,謝謝提醒What’s for dinner tonight?今晚吃什麼?I’m thinking about making pasta.我想做意大利麵That sounds delicious. Can I help with anything?聽起來很好吃,我能幫什麼忙嗎?Sure, you can chop the vegetables.當然,你可以切菜What kind of pasta are we having?我們吃什麼意大利麵?I was thinking of making spaghetti.我想做意大利麵Great choice. Do we have all the ingredients?不錯的選擇,材料都準備好了嗎?Yes, I checked the pantry earlier.是的,我之前檢查了儲藏室Awesome. Let me get started on the vegetables.好極了,讓我開始做蔬菜吧Thanks! This is going to be a great meal.謝謝!這將是一頓豐盛的晚餐Did you walk the dog this morning?今天早上遛狗了嗎?Yes, we went for a long walk in the park.是的,我們去公園散步了很久That’s good. Did she enjoy it?很好,她喜歡嗎?She loved it. She was running around happily.她很喜歡,她高興地跑來跑去Glad to hear that. What’s the plan for today?很高興聽到這個消息,今天有什麼計劃I need to run some errands. How about you?我得去辦點事,你呢?I have a few things to finish up for work.我還有些工作要做Do you need any help with the errands?你需要幫忙跑腿嗎?No, I’m good. Thanks for offering.不用了,我很好,謝謝你的好意Alright, I’ll see you later then.好吧,回頭見Have you seen my keys?你看到我的鑰匙了嗎?I think I saw them on the kitchen counter.我好像在廚房的台子上看到過Found them! Thanks.找到了,謝謝Are you heading out now?你現在要出門嗎?Yes, I have an appointment at the dentist.是的,我約了看牙醫Oh, good luck with that.祝你好运Thanks. I’ll be back in a couple of hours.謝謝,我幾小時後回來Take care. Drive safe.保重,小心駕駛Will do. See you later.我會的,再見Bye!再見Can you believe how hot it is today?你能相信今天有多熱嗎?I know, it’s scorching!我知道,太熱了!Do you want to go to the beach?你想去海邊嗎?That sounds like a great idea.聽起來是個好主意What time should we leave?我們什麼時候出發?How about in an hour?一小時後如何?Perfect. I’ll get the sunscreen and towels ready.好極了,我去準備防曬霜和毛巾I’ll pack some snacks and drinks.我去準備一些零食和飲料This is going to be fun.這會很有趣Absolutely! I can’t wait.當然!我等不及了Did you hear about the new restaurant downtown?你聽說市中心新開了一家餐廳嗎?Yes, I’ve heard great things about it.是的,我聽說了很多Do you want to try it out this weekend?你週末想去試試嗎?Sure, let’s make a reservation.當然,我們來預約吧What kind of food do they serve?他們提供什麼樣的食物?It’s a mix of Italian and Mediterranean.意大利菜和地中海菜That sounds delicious.聽起來很美味I’ll call and book a table for Saturday.我會打電話預訂週六的餐桌Perfect. I’m looking forward to it.好極了,我很期待Me too!我也很期待How’s your new job going?你的新工作怎麼樣了?It’s going really well, thanks for asking.非常順利,謝謝關心What do you like most about it?你最喜歡什麼The team is great, and the projects are interesting.團隊很棒,項目也很有趣That’s awesome. Do you miss the old place?太棒了,你懷念以前的地方嗎?A little bit, but this is a great change.有一點,但這是一個很大的變化I’m happy for you. Change can be good.我為你感到高興,改變是好事Absolutely. It’s been a positive experience so far.當然,到目前為止,這是一次積極的經歷That’s wonderful to hear.很高興聽到這個消息Thanks for your support.謝謝您的支持What movie should we watch tonight?我們今晚看什麼電影?How about the new action film?新動作片怎麼樣?Sounds good to me. Have you seen it yet?聽起來不錯,你看過了嗎?No, I haven’t. I’ve heard good reviews.還沒,我聽說評價不錯Let’s go for it then.那就去看吧Do we have any popcorn?我們有爆米花嗎?Yes, I bought some yesterday.有,我昨天買了一些Perfect. I’ll get it ready.好極了,我去準備I’ll set up the movie.我去準備電影This is going to be a great night.這將是一個美好的夜晚Do you need anything from the grocery store?你需要從雜貨店買點什麼嗎?Yes, can you get some milk and bread?是的,您能買點牛奶和麵包嗎?Sure thing. Anything else?當然可以,還需要什麼嗎?Maybe some fruits and snacks.水果和點心Got it. I’ll be back in a bit.好的,我一會兒就回來Thanks! Drive safely.謝謝,一路順風Will do. See you soon.我會的,再見Bye!再見Goodbye!再見What are your plans for the weekend?週末有什麼計劃?I’m thinking of going hiking.我想去遠足That sounds fun. Where are you going?聽起來很有趣,你打算去哪兒?There’s a nice trail up in the hills.山上有條漂亮的小路I’ve heard it’s beautiful there.我聽說那裡很美Do you want to join me?你想和我一起去嗎?I’d love to! What time are you leaving?好啊,你什麼時候走?Early in the morning, around 7 AM.清晨 7 點左右Perfect. I’ll be ready.很好,我會準備好的Great! It’s going to be a fantastic hike.好極了,這將是一次美妙的遠足Did you water the plants today?你今天給植物澆水了嗎?Yes, I did it this morning.是的,今天早上澆了They look really healthy.它們看起來很健康Thanks! I’ve been taking good care of them.謝謝!我把它們照顧得很好It shows. They’re thriving.可見一斑,它們茁壯成長Do you need any help with them?需要幫忙嗎?Not right now, but thanks for asking.現在不需要,但謝謝你的關心Let me know if you do.如果需要,請告訴我Will do. Thanks!我會的,謝謝You’re welcome.不客氣What’s your favorite book?你最喜歡哪本書?It’s hard to choose, but I love “To Kill a Mockingbird.”很難選擇,但我喜歡《殺死一隻知更鳥》That’s aic. Why do you like it?這是一本經典之作,你為什麼喜歡它?The story is powerful, and the characters are memorable.故事震撼人心,人物形象令人難忘I agree. It’s a great read.我同意,這是一本好書What’s your favorite book?你最喜歡哪本書?I really enjoy “Pride and Prejudice.”我非常喜歡《傲慢與偏見》Anotheric. Great choice.又一本經典,不錯的選擇We should have a book club sometime.我們應該找個時間開個讀書俱樂部That sounds like a fun idea.聽起來是個不錯的主意Did you finish your homework?作業做完了嗎?Yes, I finished it last night.是的,我昨晚做完了Good job. Do you need help with anything else?做得好,還需要幫忙嗎?No, I’m good. Thanks for offering.不用了,謝謝您的好意What are you working on now?你現在在做什麼?I’m just reviewing some notes for the test.我在複習考試筆記That’s smart. Good luck with your studying.真聰明,祝你學習順利Thanks! I appreciate it.謝謝!我很感激You’re welcome. You’ve got this.不客氣,你已經得到了這個I hope so!希望如此Have you been to the new park in town?你去過鎮上的新公園嗎?Not yet. Is it nice?還沒有,好看嗎?Yes, it’s really beautiful. Lots of open space and trails.是的,非常漂亮,有很多空地和小徑That sounds lovely. We should go this weekend.聽起來不錯,我們應該這個週末去Definitely. Let’s plan for Saturday.當然,我們計劃週六去What time should we meet?我們什麼時候見面?How about 10 AM?上午 10 點怎麼樣?Works for me. I’ll bring some snacks.我覺得可以,我帶點零食Great! I’ll bring a blanket.很好,我帶床毯子It’s going to be a fun day.這將是有趣的一天Do you have any vacation plans?你有什麼度假計劃嗎?Yes, I’m planning to visit my family.是的,我打算去探親That sounds wonderful. How long will you be gone?聽起來不錯,你要去多久?About a week.大約一週I hope you have a great time.希望你玩得開心Thanks! I’m really looking forward to it.謝謝!我真的很期待When are you leaving?你什麼時候走?Next Friday.下週五Safe travels and have a fantastic trip.一路順風,旅途愉快Thank you!謝謝Are you watching the new TV series everyone is talking about?你在看大家都在談論的新電視劇嗎?Yes, I started it last week.是的,我上週就開始看了What do you think so far?目前你覺得怎麼樣?It’s really intriguing. I can’t wait for the next episode.真的很吸引人,我等不及下一集了I might start watching it too.我可能也會開始看You should. It’s very addictive.你應該看,它讓人上癮I’ll give it a try this weekend.我週末會試試Let me know what you think.讓我知道你的想法I will, thanks for the recommendation.我會的,謝謝你的推薦You’re welcome.不客氣Did you hear the news about the concert next month?你聽說下個月音樂會的消息了嗎?Yes, I’m so excited about it.是的,我非常期待Are you planning to go?你打算去嗎?Definitely! I already bought my ticket.確實!我已經買好票了That’s awesome. Who are you going with?棒極了,你和誰一起去?I’m going with some friends.我和幾個朋友一起去It’s going to be an amazing show.這將是一場精彩的演出I know, right? I can’t wait.我知道,對吧?我等不及了What time does it start?幾點開始?It starts at 7 PM.晚上 7 點開始Perfect. Have a great time!好極了,玩得開心What’s your favorite way to relax after a long day?忙碌一天後,你最喜歡的放鬆方式是什麼?I love to read a good book.我喜歡讀一本好書That sounds relaxing. Any recommendations?聽起來很放鬆,有什麼推薦嗎?You should read “The Alchemist.”你應該讀讀《煉金術士》I’ve heard good things about it.我聽說這本書不錯It’s a great read. You won’t be disappointed.這是一本好書,你不會失望的I’ll add it to my list.我會把它加入我的書單Let me know what you think once you read it.讀完後告訴我你的想法I will, thanks for the suggestion.我會的,謝謝你的建議Anytime!隨時恭候Do you like cooking?你喜歡烹飪嗎?Yes, I find it really enjoyable.是的,我覺得非常愉快What’s your favorite dish to make?您最喜歡做什麼菜?I love making homemade pizza.我喜歡自製比薩餅That sounds delicious. What toppings do you use?聽起來很好吃,你用什麼配料?I usually go with pepperoni, mushrooms, and bell peppers.我通常用意大利香腸、蘑菇和甜椒Yum! That sounds amazing.嗯!聽起來真不錯You should come over for dinner sometime.有時間你應該過來吃晚飯I’d love to. Thanks for the invite.我很樂意,謝謝你的邀請You’re welcome!不客氣

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