
梦里花落香 2024-12-28 22:13:37






Bacterial blossoms.These crinkly blooms are groups of bacteriophages — viruses that infect bacteria. After researchers treated phages so they could be viewed under the microscope, the viruses spontaneously formed into these structures, which are just two-tenths of millimetre wide.

McMaster University


每年地球经过斯威夫特-塔特尔彗星留下的碎片时,英仙座流星雨都会在史前巨石上留下流星雨,英国索尔兹伯里附近巨石阵的观星者们看到了神奇的景象。天文摄影师乔希-杜里(Josh Dury)花了 3.5 个小时拍摄了这一奇观,并将流星、巨石阵和银河系的 43 幅图像合成了这张照片。

Shooting stars.Stargazers at Stonehenge near Salisbury, UK, were treated to a magical sight as the Perseid meteor shower, seen each year when Earth passes through debris left by comet Swift–Tuttle, rained shooting stars over the prehistoric monoliths. Astrophotographer Josh Dury spent 3.5 hours photographing the spectacle, and combined 43 images of the meteors, Stonehenge and the Milky Way to create this image.

Josh Drury


这个皱巴巴的结构是由人类多能结肠细胞制成的类器官,代谢酶 MTHFD2 被染成红色。科学家们发现,参与细胞能量生产和核苷酸合成的代谢酶也在细胞核中执行任务,协调细胞分裂等关键功能。

Metabolic multitaskers.This wrinkly structure is an organoid made of human pluripotent colon cells, with the metabolic enzyme MTHFD2 stained in red. Scientists have discovered that metabolic enzymes, which are involved in a cell’s energy production and nucleotide synthesis, also perform jobs in the nucleus, orchestrating crucial functions such as cell division.

Natalia Pardo Lorente/Centro de Regulación Genómica


这只棕榈象鼻虫是要打架吗?谢里夫-阿卜杜拉-艾哈迈德(Sherif Abdallah Ahmed)拍摄的这幅Rhynchophorus ferrugineus物种特写在尼康小型世界显微摄影竞赛中获得了优异成绩。

Weevil knievel.Is this palm weevil spoiling for a fight This close-up of the species Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, taken by Sherif Abdallah Ahmed, was awarded a distinction in Nikon’s Small World Photomicrography Competition.

Sherif Abdallah Ahmed/Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition


今年 4 月,意大利埃特纳火山出现了罕见的 “烟圈 ”现象。当气体从新形成的火山口逸出时,就会产生这种被称为火山涡旋环的圆环。

Ring master.In April, Italy’s Mount Etna produced a rare display of ‘smoke rings’. The circles — called volcanic vortex rings — are produced when gas escapes through newly formed craters.

Fabrizio Villa/Getty


它们不是树叶--在墨西哥米却肯州的这些树上,点缀着数百万只沉睡的帝王斑蝶(Danaus plexippus)。春季,帝王斑蝶从加拿大和美国迁徙数千公里后,在高高的树上形成密集的群落,休息并恢复体力。

Float like a butterfly.They aren’t leaves — these trees in Michoacán, Mexico, are adorned with millions of sleeping Monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus). The monarchs form dense clusters high up in the trees to rest and recover their strength after migrating thousands of kilometres from Canada and the United States during spring.

Jaime Rojo/BigPicture Competition


摄影师 Enric Gener 花了几个小时在地中海寻找海洋生物,然后拍摄了海鸥骑海龟的超现实场景。这张照片入围了《海洋学》杂志举办的 “年度海洋摄影师 ”比赛。

Ride share.Photographer Enric Gener shot this surreal scene of a seagull riding a turtle after spending hours searching for marine life in the Mediterranean Sea. The image was a finalist in Oceanographic’s Ocean Photographer of the Year competition.

Enric Gener/Ocean Photographer of the Year 2024



Tiniest transplant.This kidney was involved in the first fetus-to-fetus transplant, conducted in rats by scientists in Japan. The work is a step towards transplanting organs before birth in humans.

K. Morimoto et al./bioRxiv


首次拍摄到帝企鹅(Aptenodytes forsteri)雏鸟从南极洲埃克斯特伦冰架边缘 15 米高的悬崖顶上跃入海洋的画面。

Leap of faith.For the first time, fledging emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) chicks were filmed leaping into the ocean from the top of a 15-metre-high cliff at the edge of the Ekstrm ice shelf in Antarctica.

National Geographic/Bertie Gregory



Ghost face.Minghao Nie, a researcher at the University of Tokyo, produced this ghoulish face — a mould covered in human skin tissue. The method could offer away to attach human skin to robots.

Kim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters


这可能看起来像恐龙,但它是 Prestosuchus chiniquensis 的标本,一种生活在 2.37 亿年前的古龙形动物。在它旁边,古生物学家罗德里戈-滕普-穆勒(Rodrigo Temp Muller)拿着迄今发现的最古老的化石之一--爬行动物 Gondwanax paraisensis。

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