
优刊说生活 2024-07-14 21:54:46



展期:2024年7月14日 至8月31日

地点:凯旋画廊 (北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路798艺术区2号院A05)




Waiting for the Inevitable

Artist: Zhi Min

Duration: July 14th – August 31st , 2024


TRIUMPH GALLERY is pleased to announce “Waiting for the Inevitable,” the artist Zhi Min’s first solo exhibition with the gallery, from July 14 to August 31, 2024. The exhibition, curated by Zhang Chen, features more than 20 works by the artist, including newly completed ceramics, metal, and bronze sculptures.

This exhibition will focus on presenting a series of new works by the artist with the theme of time. Zhi Min’s waiting concludes a "Non-linear Narrative" in space and appears as a "Color of History" in time. His recent works remind people of the "cosmic” that transcends the individual and makes the medium of sculpture the medium of "cosmism.” His recent works are reminiscent of a transcendental "cosmic,” in which materials such as stone, clay, and porcelain, as sculptural mediums, are elevated to the moment of the cosmic explosion and the combustion theorem of thermodynamics while at the same time penetrating deeper into the inner stratum of the earth in the "Boundless Worlds.” It then extends downward from the space narrative to the "Depth of Time.” Or, in other words, to the real nature in the eyes of the Chinese. His works simultaneously express the modern vision of Op Art and the long tradition of Chinese history, just as "Trigrams of Luo and Yellow Rivers" connects the rivers of the earth and the Milky Way of the zenith at the same time. The sculptural space and the temporal dimension of his personal art history unfold between each work.

This exhibition is a testament to Zhi Min’s journey of active waiting, a result of the dynamic interplay between active creation and passive behavior, and the mutual waiting and simultaneous progress of his multiple creative threads. His works, like the sculptor himself, have traversed cosmic space, wandering amid the heavens, and are now ready to land back in the world, marking the beginning of a new phase of waiting in coherent creation.


郅敏的作品以其观念性特征显著,他将雕塑作为哲学观念的物态形式,与传统艺术表现论有明显区别 。他的作品探索个体与自然、经验与超验的关系,呈现从具象到抽象的转变,跨越传统审美,直接通达于哲学 。郅敏通过雕塑艺术,探讨了自然观、科学观,以及华夏文明的哲学阐释方法,同时也是面向当代创造力的尝试。




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